PHY 141: 2022 Calendar, Lecture Notes, Reading and Problem Sets

(Fall 2022)

I am posting pdfs of the WebWork. However your assignments will have different numbers in them on the webwork site. You need to go through blackboard to reach the WebWork site where you should enter answers to the problems!
Date Subject or Due date Reading/Notes Problems
Thursday Sept 1, 2022 Lecture: Introduction. Units, Measurements, Uncertainty Lecture notes on units and errors PS1
on errors
Monday Sept 5 No lab this week because of Labor day Lab analysis notes on errors
NC Notes on uncertainty
Tuesday Sept 6 Lecture: Error propagation. Estimating the mean and standard deviation
Tuesday Sept 6 Workshops/Recitations start
Thursday Sept 8 Lecture: Vectors, Velocity, Acceleration, Motion in 3D, Circular motion, Fundamental particles and interactions Feynman on motion
Feynman on vectors
On vectors
Motion in 1d
Motion in 3d, projectiles
Friday Sept 9 Problem set 1 is due at noon
Turn the written problems into the homework lockers on the first floor of Bausch & Lomb Hall. Webwork should be done on line through blackboard.
Lecture notes on acceleration and force
Notes on demonstrations
on acceleration
Monday Sept 12 Labs start. Lab 1 WebWork2
Tuesday Sept 13 Lecture: Momentum and changes in momentum, Gravity Chaps 1-4 on motion, University physics (UPh) vol1
Chaps 5.8,5.9 on relativistic momentum of UPh vol3
Feynman on relativity
Feynman on relativistic momentum
Thursday Sept 15 Lecture: The Shell theorem, Newtons's laws, orbits shell theorem ,
Chaps 5,6,13 on Newton's laws and Gravity UPh vol1
Feynman on Newton's laws
Friday Sept 16 Problem set 2 is due at noon. Lecture notes on harmonic motion and springs
On paradoxes in spring networks
on force
Monday Sept 19 Lab 1 continued Chap 15 on Harmonic motion UPh vol1 WebWork3
Tuesday Sept 20 Lecture: Harmonic motion, Springs, Damped and Driven Harmonic Motion Feynman on the harmonic oscillator
Wednesday Sept 21 First lab report due at noon.
Thursday Sept 22 Lecture: Springs in series and parallel, Stress and atomic forces in solids
Friday Sept 23 Problem set 3 is due at noon. Lecture notes on work, friction, relativistic energy PS4
on work, friction, energy
Monday Sept 26 Lab 2 begins WebWork4
Tuesday Sept 27 Lecture: Friction, Drag, Work, Energy, Power Chaps 7,8 on work and energy UPh vol1
Wednesday Sept 28
Thursday Sept 29 Lecture: Energy and Work, Rest mass, Potential Energy
Friday Sept 30 Problem set 4 is due at noon. PS5
on potential energy
Monday Oct 3 Lab 2 continued WebWork5
Tuesday Oct 4 Lecture: Paths, Potential Energy, Equilibrium Lecture notes on potential energy
Wednesday Oct 5 Lab 2 report due at noon.
Thursday Oct 6 Lecture: Energy Quantization and Lasers Lecture notes on Quantization
Friday Oct 7 Problem set 5 is due next week. PS6
on center of mass
Monday Oct 10 no labs, fall break WebWork6
Tuesday Oct 11 Fall break. No lecture, no workshops
Wednesday Oct 12 no workshops
Thursday Oct 13 Lecture: Center of Mass Lecture notes on center of mass, multiple particle systems
Friday Oct 14 Problem set 5 is due! PS7
on collisions
Monday Oct 17 Lab 3 WebWork7
Tuesday Oct 18 Lecture: Thrust. Multi-particle systems Feynman on center of mass
Wed Oct 19
Thursday Oct 20 Lecture: Collisions in 1 dimension Lecture notes on collisions
Friday Oct 21 Problem set 6 due at noon Chap 9 on collisions UPh vol1
Monday Oct 24 Lab 3 continued
Tuesday Oct 25 Lecture: Collisions in 3 dimensions and relativistic collisions
Wed Oct 26 Lab 3 report due at noon
Thursday Oct 27 Lecture: Rotational energy, rigid body rotation, moment of inertia. Lecture notes on spin, angular momentum and torque
Friday Oct 28 Problem set 7 is due at noon. Chaps 10,11 on Spin UPh vol1 PS8
on angular momentum
Monday Oct 31 Lab 4 WebWork8
Tuesday Nov 1 Lecture: The parallel axis theorem. Rolling without slipping. Angular momentum.
Wed Nov 2
Thursday Nov 3 Lecture: Torque. Keplerian orbits. Stability of spinning objects, Conservation of angular momentum
Friday Nov 4 Problem set 8 due at noon PS9
on torque
Monday Nov 7 Lab 4 continued WebWork9
Tuesday Nov 8 Lecture: More on angular momentum
Wednesday Nov 9 Lab 4 report due at noon
Thursday Nov 10 Lecture: Precession of a top, Quantization of angular momentum
Friday Nov 11 Problem set 9 is due at noon. Chap 12 on Statics UPh vol1 PS10
on force balance
Monday Nov 14 No labs unless you arrange a make-up lab WebWork10
Tuesday Nov 15 Lecture: Force balance at equilibrium (Statics), Small oscillations about equilibrium Lecture notes on statics and small oscillations
Thursday Nov 17 Lecture: Heat. Multiplicity of States. Two closed systems in thermal contact. Lecture notes on multiplicity of states and entropy
Friday Nov 18 Problem set 10 is due at noon. Kittel's first 2 chapters on multiplicity of states and entropy
Kittel's second 2 chapters on the Boltmann factor
on entropy
Monday Nov 21 No labs/workshops this week because of Thanksgiving
Tuesday Nov 22 Lecture: Entropy and temperature. Thermal equilibrium. Chaps 1-4 on Thermo UPh vol2 WebWork11
Thursday Nov 24 No class, Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday Nov 28 Lab #5
Tuesday Nov 29 Lecture: The laws of thermodynamics. A system in contact with a thermal reservoir. The Boltzmann factor.
Thursday Dec 1 Lecture: The Maxwellian velocity distribution. A particle in a box. Lecture notes on ideal gases and the Boltzmann factor
Friday Dec 2 Problem set 11 due at noon PS12 Webwork
Monday Dec 5 Lab #5 continued WebWork12
On PdV work
and heat
Tuesday Dec 6 Lecture: Pressure and the ideal gas law.
Wed Dec 7 Lab 5 report due at noon
Thursday Dec 8 Lecture: Thermodynamics, Heat engines, Adiabatic index
Friday Dec 9 Problem set 12 due date delayed
Tuesday Dec 13 Last Lecture: On order of magnitude physics Notes on order of magnitude physics
Wed Dec 14 Problem set 12 (last one!) is due at midnight. Notes on special relativity