The University of Rochester is home to an Astrophysics group (a group within the Department of Physics and Astronomy) that encompasses
many areas of astronomy including observational astronomy and detector
science, in addition to computational and theoretical astrophysics. The
Near-Infrared Astronomy group, headed by Professors Judy Pipher and Bill
Forrest, focuses on observational astronomy in the
near-infrared as well as on detector research. Another branch of observational
astronomy studied at the U of R involves the mid- and far-infrared, and is headed by Professor Dan Watson. In addition, Alice Quillen has recently joined as a faculty member in the Astrophysics group.
Current Research
Spitzer Space Telescope (...formerly known as SIRTF...)
All three of the aforementioned professors are involved in the Space InfraRed Telescope Facility (SIRTF), which was recently renamed the Spitzer Space Telescope after the late Lyman Spitzer, Jr., an astrophysicist who first proposed the idea of placing a large telescope in space.
To see some of the near-infrared lab's research on pre-SIRTF
observational projects, click here. (Warning!
There are images here that are huge and may take awhile to load, but they
are well worth the wait!)
NIR Camera
In addition to observational astronomy, the near-infrared lab focuses on detector science. Please click here to review our recent detector research.
Previous Research
For examples of some of the older research performed in the NIR lab, click here.
The other current faculty members within the astrophysics group at the U of R include Eric Blackman, Adam Frank, and Jack Thomas, who make up the
theoretical astrophysics
Rochester AAS Meeting
The NIR group
Picture Gallery
Last modified: Mon Jan 12 20:37:45 EST 2004