Lectures and Recommended Reading:
- Introduction ppt,
zip with Sound files
Hopkin-- Chap 2 pages 7-18 on Acoustics, Chap 9 pages 117-122 on Chordopones
Berg and Stork --Chap 3 pages 66-76 or Benade -- Chap 7 on Vibration recipes
- Sine Waves ppt,
zip with Sound files
Berg and Stork -- Chap 1 on Harmonic Motion
- Resonances of a Column of Air ppt,
zip with Sound files,
Hopkin-- Chap 6 pages 73-75 on Aerophones
Rigden -- Chap 8 on the Origin of Complex Tones
- Spectral Decomposition ppt,
zip with Sound files,
zip Movies
Berg and Stork -- Chap 4 on Synthesis of Complex Waves
- On Impedance ppt,
zip with Sound files
Hopkin -- Chap 2 page 19-20
- Musical Scales ppt,
zip with Sound files,
zip of Movies
Hopkin -- Chap 3 on Tuning Systems
Berg and Stork -- Chap 9 on Temperament or
Loy -- Chap 3 on Musical Scales, Tuning and Intonation
- On Loudness ppt,
zip with Sound files
zip of Movies
Moore -- Chap 4 on Perception of Loudness
Berg and Stork -- Chap 6 pages 144-156 on the dB scale and Human Auditory System or Hall -- Chapters 5,6 on Sound Intensity and The Human Ear
Berg and Stork -- Chap 8 on Room Accoustics or Hall -- Chap 15 on Room Acoustics
- Beats ppt,
zip with Sound files
Hopkin -- Chap 10 on Chorusing and Beating Effects
Moore -- on Pitch Perception
Berg and Stork -- Chap 2 on Waves and Sound
- On Timbre ppt,
Hopkin -- Chap 1 on Timbre
Butler -- Chap 8 on Timbre
- Flute Physics ppt,
Sound files
Hopkin -- Chap 6 On Aerophones
Berg and Stork -- On Woodwinds
- On Stringed Instruments ppt,
Hopkin -- Chap 9 On Chordophones and Chap 8 on Resonators
Berg and Stork -- Chap 12 on Stringed Instruments
- On Percussion ppt,
zip with Sound files,
zip of Movies
Hopkin -- Chap 4 on Idiophones and Chap 7 on Membranophones
Berg and Stork -- Chap 14 on Percussion
- Auditory Illusions ppt,
zip with Sound files,
zip of Movies
- Rhythm and Meter pptx,
Sound files
Sound files and movies are found in the directory Sound files (passwd protected)
Email me if you would like access to these files. They are password protected
so that I don't have to worry about copyright.