import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from math import *
import time
import socket
import random
import os
#import numpy
from scipy import special
from scipy import linalg
The Hilbert space is on $\theta \in [0, 2 \pi]$.
With Hamiltonian $$\hat H = \frac{\hat p^2}{2I} + k\cos \hat \theta \sum_{j=-\infty}^\infty \delta(t - jT) $$ we define $$\hat U = e^{-i \hat H t/\hbar}$$ and let operator $\hat p = -i \hbar \partial_\theta $. We use a momentum basis with $$|m\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \int_0^{2 \pi} d\theta \ e^{im\theta} |\theta\rangle $$ The matrix elements (after a computation) are $$ \langle m' | \hat U |m \rangle = U_{m'm} = i^{m-m'} J_{m-m'} \left( \frac{k}{\hbar}\right) e^{- \frac{ iT \hbar m^2 }{2 I} }. $$
We define two dimensionless parameters $$ \alpha \equiv \frac{T\hbar}{I} \qquad K \equiv \frac{k T}{I} $$ The matrix elements become $$ U_{m'm} = i^{m-m'} J_{m-m'} \left( \frac{K}{\alpha}\right) e^{- \frac{ i \alpha m^2 }{2} }. $$
The $\alpha$ parameter is sometimes called $\hbar_s$ (e.g., see the review Santhanam et al. 2022, Physics Reports, 956, 1–87) and goes to zero in the classical limit. The $K$ parameter is that of the related Standard map.
We compute the eigenvalues for a matrix that goes out to a maximum $\pm m$ value. This is truncating the matrix. The matrix is supposed to be unitary but because we compute the eigenvalues with a truncated matrix, some of the eigenvalues are not on the unit circle. If $K/\alpha$ is larger then I find you need a larger $n$ to keep eigenvalues on the unit circle. It is probably a good idea to check that the eigenvalues are on the unit circle everytime you compute eigenvalues of a unitary matrix.
# Fill a matrix U_m'm and return the matrix and its eigenvalues and eigenvectors
# arguments:
# n is basis_size of truncated Hilbert space
# alpha, K_over_alpha = K/alpha, these are parameters needed to compute U_m'm
# returns:
# U_matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of U
def Qkicked(n,alpha,K_over_alpha):
# allocate space for some Bessel functions
#compute the Bessel functions
for i in range(len(tab_bessel)):
tab_bessel[i]=special.jv(i-n,K_over_alpha) # note i-n here for indexing from -n to n-1
# allocate space for the operator U
U_matrix =np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex) # for storing U_m'm
# indexing from m = -n/2 to n/2-1 in both indices
quasi_momentum = 0.1 # why used by Delande I don't know, tried it to see if it helped. I think not.
# fill the matrix, computing U_m'm
for i in range(n):
mi = i - int(n/2) +quasi_momentum # mi goes from -n/2 to n/2-1, this is index m
complex_factor = np.exp(-1j * 0.5*mi**2*alpha) # this is e^(-i m^2 alpha/2)
for j in range(n):
# mj = j - int(n/2) # this is index m' but we don't need to compute it
# note that m - m' = mi-mj = i-j
i_factor = (1j)**(i-j) # this is i^(m-m')
ibessel = i-j+n # index for Bessel function is m-m' add n because of indexing above
U_matrix[j,i]=complex_factor*i_factor*tab_bessel[ibessel] # this is U_{m'm}
# compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
(w,vr)=linalg.eig(U_matrix) # find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
# w is an array of the complex eigenvalues, vr has eigenvectors in it
return w, vr, U_matrix
# plot an array of eigenvalues on the complex plane
def plot_eigenvalues(w):
Re_part = np.real(w)
Im_part = np.imag(w)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
#Joy= if U is unitary eigenvalues should be on unit circle!
# arguments: w an array of complex eigenvalues, assumed roots of unity
# returns: an array of normalized differences between the phases of the eigenvalues
twopi = np.pi*2
def compute_s(w):
phi_arr = np.angle(w) # get the phase angles in [-pi,pi] of complex numbers
# this ignores magnitude of w if it is not on the unit circle
phi_arr_sort = np.sort(phi_arr) # put in order of increasing phase
phi_shift = np.roll(np.copy(phi_arr_sort),1)
dphi = (phi_arr_sort - phi_shift + np.pi)%twopi - np.pi # takes care of 2pi shift
mu_dphi = np.mean(dphi) # find mean value of dphi
sarr = dphi/mu_dphi # this is s /<s>
return sarr # returns normalized phase differences
# create a probability vector for the i-th eigenvector
def get_probs(vr,i):
v = vr[i]
probi = np.real(np.conjugate(v)*v) # probability vector
return probi
# sets size of matrix. We truncate at high |m|
n=1024 # basis elements go from m=-n/2 to +n/2-1
# choosing dimensionless parameters for the model
alpha = 1.0 #
w_a,vr_a,U_matrix_a = Qkicked(n,alpha,K_over_alpha) # compute the matrix and eigenvalues!
# Note that they are not all on the unit circle,
# by truncating the system, U is no longer unitary
sarr_a = compute_s(w_a) # compute array of phase differences
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
junk = ax.hist(sarr,bins=50)
# redo last calcuation but with larger N
n=2048 # basis elements go from m=-n/2 to +n/2-1
w_b,vr_b,U_matrix_b = Qkicked(n,alpha,K_over_alpha) # compute the matrix and eigenvalues!
# still looks lousy
sarr_b = compute_s(w_b) # compute array of phase differences
ig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
junk = ax.hist(sarr_b,bins=50)
n=2048 # basis elements go from m=-n/2 to +n/2-1
# now do a chaotic version
K_over_alpha = 500
alpha = 1
w_d,vr_d,U_matrix_d = Qkicked(n,alpha,K_over_alpha) # compute the matrix and eigenvalues!
sarr_d = compute_s(w_d) # compute array of phase differences
# now it looks really bad!
We start with an N dimensional Hilbert space.
$\hat \theta = \sum_j \frac{2 \pi j}{N}|j \rangle \langle j| $.
Here $\hat p$ is $\sum_m \hbar m|m\rangle_F \langle m|_F$ in the Fourier transformed basis.
The Hamiltonian is the same as above. $$\hat H = \frac{\hat p^2}{2I} + k\cos \hat \theta \sum_{j=-\infty}^\infty \delta(t - jT) $$
The propagator \begin{align} \hat U &= Q_{FT}^\dagger \Lambda_A Q_{FT} \Lambda_B \label{eqn:Uresult2} \end{align} with diagonal matrices \begin{align} \Lambda_A &= \sum_j e^{-\frac{ik}{\hbar} \cos (2 \pi j/N) } |j\rangle \langle j| = \sum_j e^{-i \frac{K}{\alpha} \cos (2 \pi j/N) } \nonumber \\ \Lambda_B & = \sum_m e^{- \frac{ iT}{2\hbar I} \hbar^2 m^2 } |m\rangle_F \langle m|_F = \sum_m e^{- i\alpha m^2/2} |m\rangle_F \langle m|_F . \end{align}
Note $K/\alpha = k/\hbar$.
With this approach $\hat U$ must be unitary.
However, the commutator between $\hat \theta$ and $\hat p$ suffers.
The Wigner function I am trying is this
$$W_{\hat \rho} (m,n) = \frac{1}{2N} \sum_x \langle n-x| \hat \rho | n+x \rangle \omega^{2xk} $$# Using a finite dimensional Hilbert space approach
# fill matrices with Discrete Fourier transform, returns 2 nxn matrices
def QFT(n):
omega = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/n)
Q = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex) # QFT
Q_dagger = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex)
for j in range(n):
for k in range(n):
Q[j,k] = np.power(omega,j*k) # not 100% sure about sign here!
Q_dagger[j,k] = np.power(omega,-j*k)
Q /= np.sqrt(n) #normalize
Q_dagger /= np.sqrt(n)
return Q,Q_dagger
# Fill a matrix U_m'm and return the matrix and its eigenvalues and eigenvectors
# for the finite dim hilbert space
# arguments:
# n is basis_size of truncated Hilbert space
# alpha, K_over_alpha = K/alpha, these are parameters needed to compute U_m'm
# returns:
# U_matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of U
def Qkicked_finite(n,alpha,K_over_alpha):
Lambda_A =np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex) # for storing diagonal matrix for kicked part
Lambda_B =np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex) # for storing diagonal matrix for potential part
Q_FT,Q_FT_dagger = QFT(n) # get QFT matrices
#Q_FT = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex) # QFT
#Q_FT_dagger = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex)
#omega = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/n)
#Fill up 3 nxn complex unitary matrices
for j in range(n):
Lambda_A[j,j] = np.exp(-1.0j * K_over_alpha*np.cos(2*np.pi*j/n))
Lambda_B[j,j] = np.exp(-1.0j * alpha/2 * j*j)
#for k in range(n):
#Q_FT[j,k] = np.power(omega,j*k) # not 100% sure about sign here! indexing issues!
#Q_FT_dagger[j,k] = np.power(omega,-j*k)
z = np.matmul(Q_FT,Lambda_B)
zp = np.matmul(Lambda_A,z)
U_matrix = np.matmul(Q_FT_dagger,zp) #
(w,vr)=linalg.eig(U_matrix) # find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
# w is an array of the complex eigenvalues, vr has eigenvectors in it
return w, vr, U_matrix
# create a point operator
def A_pt_operator(N,j,k):
omega = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/N)
fac = np.power(omega*x*k)
Aarr = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex)
for x in range(N):
Aarr[j+x,j-x] = np.power(omega,2*x*k)/N
return Aarr
# compute the Wigner function
def Wigner(N,psi):
Warr = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex)
omega = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/N)
for j in range(N):
for k in range(N):
for x in range(N):
Warr[j,k] += np.conjugate(psi[(j-x)%N])*psi[(j+x)%N]*np.power(omega,2*x*k)
return Warr/(2*N)
# sets size of matrix.
n=2048 #
# choosing dimensionless parameters for the model
alpha = 1.0 #
w_A,vr_A,U_matrix_A = Qkicked_finite(n,alpha,K_over_alpha) # compute the matrix and eigenvalues!
# we are assured a unitary matrix with this approach! eigenvalues are on unit circle, as expected
sarr_A = compute_s(w_A) # compute array of phase differences
ig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
junk = ax.hist(sarr_A,bins=60,density=True)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$s/\langle s \rangle$')
# Poisson distribution expected, looks ok
Text(0.5, 0, '$s/\\langle s \\rangle$')
# sets size of matrix.
n=2048 #
# choosing dimensionless parameters for the model
# a more chaotic version
alpha = 5.0 #
w_B,vr_B,U_matrix_B = Qkicked_finite(n,alpha,K_over_alpha) # compute the matrix and eigenvalues!
sarr_B = compute_s(w_B) # compute array of phase differences
# make a figure comparing the chaotic and non-chaotic versions
ig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3),dpi=240)
junk2 = ax.hist(sarr_A,bins=60,density=True,alpha=0.3,color='red',ec='red',histtype='stepfilled'\
junk = ax.hist(sarr_B,bins=60,density=True,alpha=0.3,color='blue',ec='blue',histtype='stepfilled'\
ax.set_xlabel(r'$s/\langle s \rangle$')
# now we get a Wigner distribution for the chaotic one, yay!
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f9e3707d7e0>
# lets look at the eigenvectors !
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(10,1,figsize=(3,3))
for i in range(0,10):
p = get_probs(vr_A,i+200)
p = get_probs(vr_B,i+200)
# the look different!
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
for i in range(0,200):
p = get_probs(vr_A,i)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
for i in range(0,200):
p = get_probs(vr_B,i)
We find that the eigenvalues look quite different. In the chaotic setting they seem to be more diffusely distributed.
# now let's try making a Wigner function
# we probably need a smaller space otherwise we are going to choke
# sets size of matrix.
n=64 #
# choosing dimensionless parameters for the model
# a more chaotic version
alpha = 5.0 #
w_C,vr_C,U_matrix_C = Qkicked_finite(n,alpha,K_over_alpha) # compute the matrix and eigenvalues!
sarr_C = compute_s(w_C) # compute array of phase differences
ig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
junk = ax.hist(sarr_C,bins=60,density=True)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$s/\langle s \rangle$')
# Wigner distribution expected, looks ok
Text(0.5, 0, '$s/\\langle s \\rangle$')
# this takes a while!
Ns = int(np.sqrt(n))
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(Ns,Ns,figsize=(10,10))
for j in range(Ns):
for k in range(Ns):
s = j*Ns + k
#These are certainty pretty, but I am not sure if I recognize anything like periodic orbits in them.
# now let's try making another Wigner function
# sets size of matrix.
n=64 #
# choosing dimensionless parameters for the model
# a less chaotic version
alpha = 1.0 #
w_D,vr_D,U_matrix_D = Qkicked_finite(n,alpha,K_over_alpha) # compute the matrix and eigenvalues!
sarr_C = compute_s(w_D) # compute array of phase differences
ig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
junk = ax.hist(sarr_C,bins=60,density=True)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$s/\langle s \rangle$')
# Poisson distribution expected, looks ok
Text(0.5, 0, '$s/\\langle s \\rangle$')
# this takes a while!
Ns = int(np.sqrt(n))
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(Ns,Ns,figsize=(10,10))
for j in range(Ns):
for k in range(Ns):
s = j*Ns + k
We use a nice eigenvector of the discrete fourier transform $$ |\tilde \eta \rangle = \left( \frac{2}{N} \right)^{\!\! 1/4} \sum_{m-0}^{N-1} \sum_{k \in ZN} e^{-\frac{\pi (m + Nk)^2}{N}}|m\rangle $$
We define a displacement operator $$ D(k,l) = \omega^{-\frac{kl}{2} } \hat Z^k \hat X^l $$ where $$\hat X = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} |n+1\rangle \langle n|$$ $$ \hat Z = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \omega^n |n\rangle \langle n|$$ A coherent state can be constructed $$|n_0,k_0\rangle = D(k_0,n_0) |\tilde \eta \rangle$$
#Create this eigenvector of the DFT, see
# create |~ eta>
def tilde_eta(N):
evec = np.zeros(N)
Nh = int(N/2)
for m in range(N):
msum = 0.0
for k in range(-Nh,Nh+1):
fac = (m + N*k)**2*np.pi/N # not modulo N
msum += np.exp(-fac)
evec[m] = msum
mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(evec*evec))
#mag_c = np.power(N/2, 1./4.)
#print(mag,mag_c) checking normalization!
return evec/mag # normalize
e1 = tilde_eta(N)
plt.plot(e1) # plot it!
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f9e3354a350>]
#Lets check to see if it really is an eigenvector of QFT
Q,Q_dagger = QFT(N) # get QFT matrices
ev1 =,e1) # take FT
# yup, it looks the same in Fourier space!
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f9e3359fac0>]
# create hat X operator in conventional \ket{n} basis
def mk_hat_X(n):
hat_X =np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex)
for j in range(n):
hat_X[(j+1)%n,j] = 1.0
return hat_X
# create hat Z operator in conventional \ket{n} basis
def mk_hat_Z(n):
hat_Z =np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex)
omega = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/n)
for j in range(n):
hat_Z[j,j] = np.power(omega,j)
return hat_Z
# tests
#hat_X = mk_hat_X(N)
#hat_Z = mk_hat_Z(N)
#print(,,e1))) #expval hat X
#print(,,e1))) #expval hat Z
# check hat X
#vec0 = np.zeros(N)
#vec0[0] = 1
#print(,vec0)) #indexing as expected!
# create hat X^a operator in conventional \ket{n} basis
def mk_hat_X_pow(n,a):
hat_X_a =np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex)
for j in range(n):
hat_X_a[(j+a)%n,j] = 1.0
return hat_X_a
# create hat Z^b operator in conventional \ket{n} basis
def mk_hat_Z_pow(n,b):
hat_Z_b =np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex)
omega = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/n)
for j in range(n):
hat_Z_b[j,j] = np.power(omega,j*b) # diagonal
return hat_Z_b
# create |n_0,k_0> coherent state using |~eta> and hat X,hat Z operators
def mk_coherent_state(n0,k0,N):
order = 1 # shift from 1 to -1 if you want to reverse order of X, Z ops
teta = tilde_eta(N) # create base state (nice state that is invariant under DFT) and is normalized
hat_X_n0 = mk_hat_X_pow(N,n0)
hat_Z_k0 = mk_hat_Z_pow(N,k0)
omega_N = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/N)
omfac = np.power(omega_N,-n0*k0/2)
if (order==1):
hatZX = omfac*np.matmul(hat_Z_k0,hat_X_n0)
hatZX = omfac*np.matmul(hat_X_n0,hat_Z_k0) # reverse order
coherent_state =,teta) # operate on |~eta> with omega^{-k_0n_0/2} \hat Z^{k_0} \hat X^{n_0}
return coherent_state
# plot some coherent states to see what they look like. They look great!
y = mk_coherent_state(10,0,50)
y = mk_coherent_state(10,20,50)
plt.plot(np.real(y)) # looks ok I think
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f9e3b5d1090>]
The discrete Fourier transform is $$\hat Q_N = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{j,k=0}^{N-1}\omega_N^{jk} |j \rangle \langle k| $$ where $\omega_N = e^{2 \pi i /N}$
# compute the Baker map propagator, N should be even
# returns matrix operator for Baker map along with its eigenvalues and eigenvectors
def fill_BQ(N):
msign = 1 # change from 1 to -1 if you want to flip signs for exponents
omega_N = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/N)
Nh = int(N/2)
omega_Nh = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/Nh)
B =np.zeros((N,N),dtype=complex)
for j in range(Nh):
for k in range(Nh):
om = np.power(omega_Nh,j*k*msign)/np.sqrt(Nh)
B[j,k] = om # on corners
B[j+Nh,k+Nh] = om
Q_inv = np.zeros((N,N),dtype=complex)
for j in range(N):
for k in range(N):
Q_inv[j,k] = np.power(omega_N,-j*k*msign)/np.sqrt(N)
hat_BQ = np.matmul(Q_inv,B)
(w,vr)=linalg.eig(hat_BQ) # compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors (why not!)
return w,vr,hat_BQ
# tests!
w_BQa,vr_BQa,hat_BQa = fill_BQ(N) # Create the propagator for the Quantum baker map
plot_eigenvalues(w_BQa) #is unitary, as expected!
where $| n_0,k_0 \rangle$ are coherent states.
# fill a 3D array with coherent states
# this takes a while!!!!
def fill_cohs(N):
coh_arr = np.zeros((N,N,N),dtype=complex)
for n0 in range(N):
for k0 in range(N):
coh = mk_coherent_state(n0,k0,N) # make coherent state |n0,k0>
coh_arr[n0,k0,:] = coh # store it in 3d array
return coh_arr
# I would like to make a Husimi distribution function
# arguments:
# N dim of Hilbert space
# wavefunction that we want Husimi function with
# a previously filled 3d array containing the coherent states
# returns array of H values for different n_0 and k_0s
def mkHusimi(N,psi,coh_arr):
Harr = np.zeros((N,N))
for n0 in range(N):
for k0 in range(N):
coh = np.squeeze(coh_arr[n0,k0,:])
dprod =,coh) # should be a complex number <psi|n_0,k_0>
Harr[n0,k0] = np.real(np.conjugate(dprod)*dprod)/N
return Harr
# tests
#coh_arr = fill_cohs(50) # this takes a while!
# probably should check the Husimi function for a coherent state
#teta = mk_coherent_state(0,0,N) # this is |~eta>
#Harr = mkHusimi(N,teta,coh_arr)
# plt.imshow(Harr) # looks okay
w_BQa,vr_BQa,hat_BQa = fill_BQ(N) # Create the propagator for the Quantum baker map
coh_arr = fill_cohs(N) # create coherent states this takes a while!
# plot Husimi functions for all eigenstates
Ns = int(np.sqrt(N))
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(Ns,Ns,figsize=(10,10))
for j in range(Ns):
for k in range(Ns):
s = j*Ns + k
Harr = mkHusimi(N,vr_BQa[s],coh_arr)
# I am underwhelmed, looks like a mess, I don't recoqnize any periodic orbits either