import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Here is our map f(x)
def ourmap(x,r):
y = r - x*x
return y
# derivative of f(x) which is f'(x)
def deriv_ourmap(x,r):
dd = -2.0*x
return dd
# fill an array with iteration n1 to n2 of the map starting with x0
# and with parameter r
def fillit(n1,n2,x0,r):
x = x0 # initial x value
z = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,n2-n1) # create an array
for i in range(0,n1): # do n1 iterations
x = ourmap(x,r)
for i in range(0,n2-n1): # fill n2-n1 iterations
x = ourmap(x,r)
z[i] = x
return z # returning the array
# compute lyapunov exponent by averaging log of derivatives
# with parameter r, initial condition x0, using iterations n1-n2
def lyapunov(n1,n2,x0,r):
x = x0 # initial x value
for i in range(0,n1): # do n1 iterations
x = ourmap(x,r)
sum = 0.0
for i in range(0,n2-n1): # for n2-n1 iterations sum derivatives
dd = deriv_ourmap(x,r)
sum += np.log(np.abs(deriv_ourmap(x,r)) + 1e-10)
x = ourmap(x,r)
return sum/(n2-n1) # returning average of derivatives
# plot the iterated map (periodic attractors) for nr number of r values
# here x0 is initial x
# do the computation for r in r_min to r_max
def mkplot(r_min,r_max,x0,nr,ax):
rarr = np.linspace(r_min,r_max,nr)
n1=100 #specify iteration range
for i in range(0,nr):
r = rarr[i]
y=fillit(n1,n2,x0,r) # get the array of iterations
x=y*0.0 + r # dummy x value is all r
ax.plot(x,y,'ko',markersize=1) # k=black, plot small points
# compute the lyapunov exponent between r_min and r_max
# for nr of r values
# and using initial condition x0
def lyapunovrange(r_min,r_max,x0,nr,ax):
rarr = np.linspace(r_min,r_max,nr)
n1=400 #specify iteration range
LL=rarr*0.0 # set up an array
for i in range(0,nr):
r = rarr[i]
LL[i] = lyapunov(n1,n2,x0,r)
ax.plot(rarr,LL,'ro',markersize=2) # r=red, plot small points
# set up the plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
ax.set_ylabel('Lyapunov exponent')
r_min=0.0 # range
x0=0.1 #initial condition
# this makes a plot of attracting points
#plt.axis([r_min, r_max,-2, 2.0])
# plots the lyapunov exponent
ax.set_ylim([-2, 1.0])