import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from scipy.optimize import brentq
The horizontal scale $x \in [-\pi,\pi]$ and $x = \pm \pi$ give right and left walls.
The top wall is at $y(x) = d + a \cos x$. The bottom wall is at $y=0$.
Ripple billiard uses the fact that bottom is horizontal to make an area preserving map from $(x,p_x)$ or $(x, \sin \alpha)$ where $\alpha$ is angle between trajectory and bottom wall normal. This gives a surface of section for the map that is simpler than using circumference and angle from normal.
Ordinarily the 2 form is $\omega = dx \wedge dp_x + dy\wedge dp_y$. But on the bottom wall $y=0$ so trajectories that return to the bottom wall have $\omega = dx \wedge dp_x$.
Suppose we have impact point $x_0$ and $\sin\alpha$. The slope of the trajectory is $\tan \alpha$. To get the slope $\tan \alpha = \tan ( {\rm arcsin}(sa)) $ .
Leaving $x_0$ the trajectory would be
$y = x_0 + (x - x_0) \tan\alpha $
# create a set of points on the ripple billiard rink boundary so it can be plotted
# parameters for the rink are d,a
def lin_rink(d,a):
xlin = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,200) # top wall
ylin = d + a*np.cos(xlin) # top wall
xlin = np.append(xlin,np.pi) # right wall
ylin = np.append(ylin,0)
xlin = np.append(xlin,-np.pi) # bottom wall
ylin = np.append(ylin,0)
xlin = np.append(xlin,-np.pi) # left wall
ylin = np.append(ylin,ylin[0])
return xlin,ylin
# return a mod b but in range [-b/2, b/2]
def mod_mid(a,b):
z = (a + b/2)%b - b/2
return z
# find bounces in a ripple billiard
# parms d,a set the rink shape
# x,y are positions of last bounce
# phi is angle of trajectory after last bounce, nhat = cos(phi),sin(phi) (x,y) = (x0,y0) + nhat*t is trajectory
# returns x,y,phi,err of next bounce
# error is
# 0 if regular trajectory
# 1 if x,y,phi is a fixed point
# 2 if there is an error in routine
# uses root finding to find bounces off the top wall
def single_bounce(x,y,phi,d,a):
err_fixed = 1 # error to return if the point is a fixed point
if (phi ==np.pi/2): # vertical trajectory going up
if (np.abs(x) == np.pi): #on left or right wall, vertical slope
return x,y,phi,err_fixed # fixed point
else: # go up
xnew = x
ynew = d + a*np.cos(x)
phinew = -np.pi/2 # reverse direction
return xnew,ynew,phinew,0
if (phi == -np.pi/2): # vertical trajectory going down
if (np.abs(x) == np.pi): #on left or right wall, vertical slope
return x,y,phi,err_fixed # fixed point
else: # go down
xnew = x
ynew = 0.
phinew = np.pi/2
return xnew,ynew,phinew,0
if (phi==0) and (y==0): # on bottom wall and horizontal slope so is a fixed point
return x,y,phi,err_fixed
# stops at corners
if ((y==0) and (np.abs(x)==np.pi)): # check for lower corners, fixed point
return x,y,phi,err_fixed
if ((y==d-a) and (np.abs(x)==np.pi)): # check for upper corners, fixed point
return x,y,phi,err_fixed
# need to add a check for phi = local slope on top wall ?
slope = np.tan(phi) # compute slope from phi
# y' = y + slope*(x' - x) line going through current position at this slope
if (x > -np.pi): # consider hitting left wall
xnew = -np.pi
ynew = y + slope*(xnew-x) #left wall intersection
phinew = -phi
# on left wall phi should be between -pi/2 and pi/2
phinew = mod_mid(phinew,np.pi)
if ((ynew >=0) and (ynew <= d-a)):
return xnew,ynew,phinew,0
if (x < np.pi): # consider hitting right wall
xnew = np.pi
ynew = y + slope*(xnew-x) #right wall intersection
phinew = -phi
# on right wall phi should be between pi/2 and pi or -pi and -pi/2
phinew = mod_mid(phinew,2*np.pi)
if ((ynew >=0) and (ynew <= d-a)):
return xnew,ynew,phinew,0
if (y > 0): # consider hitting bottom wall
ynew = 0.0
xnew = x - y/slope # bottom intersection
phinew = (np.pi - phi )%np.pi # phi should be in [0,pi]
if (np.abs(xnew) < np.pi):
return xnew,ynew,phinew,0
printstuff=0 # for checking errors
# lastly consider hitting top wall
# y' = y + slope*(x' - x) = d + a*cos(x) is a hit of the top wall
# bracket [-pi,pi]
yb = y - slope*x
fa = rfun(-np.pi,d,a,slope,yb) # root finder only works if fa, fb have different signs
fb = rfun( np.pi,d,a,slope,yb)
#if (printstuff==1):
# print('[-pi,pi]',fa,fb)
if (np.sign(fa*fb) == -1): # top intersection via root finding
xnewt = brentq(rfun, -np.pi, np.pi,args=(d,a,slope,yb)) # find root with root finder brentq
ynewt = d + a*np.cos(xnewt)
local_slope = -a*np.sin(xnewt) # slope on top
phi_local = np.arctan(local_slope)
phinewt = np.pi- phi + 2*phi_local # is ok?
phinewt = phinewt%np.pi - np.pi # should be in [-pi,0]
return xnewt,ynewt,phinewt,0
#above case should have covered all points not on top wall
# if already on top then you need to bracket x+epsilon,pi and -pi,x-epsilon
#bracket [x,pi]
epsilon = 1e-8
#if (x<0):
if (1==1):
xpp = x+epsilon
fa = rfun(xpp,d,a,slope,yb) # root finder only works if fa, fb have different signs
fb = rfun(np.pi,d,a,slope,yb)
if (printstuff==1):
if (np.sign(fa*fb) == -1): # top intersection via root finding
xnewt = brentq(rfun, xpp, np.pi,args=(d,a,slope,yb)) # find root with root finder brentq
ynewt = d + a*np.cos(xnewt)
local_slope = -a*np.sin(xnewt) # slope on top
phi_local = np.arctan(local_slope)
phinewt = np.pi- phi + 2*phi_local # is ok?
phinewt = phinewt%np.pi - np.pi # should be in [-pi,0]
return xnewt,ynewt,phinewt,0
#bracket [-pi,x]
#if (x>0):
xpp=x-epsilon # nudge away from current location, not perfect but pretty good
fa = rfun(-np.pi,d,a,slope,yb) # root finder only works if fa, fb have different signs
fb = rfun( xpp,d,a,slope,yb)
if (printstuff==1):
if (np.sign(fa*fb) == -1): # top intersection via root finding
xnewt = brentq(rfun, -np.pi,xpp,args=(d,a,slope,yb)) # find root with root finder brentq
ynewt = d + a*np.cos(xnewt)
local_slope = -a*np.sin(xnewt) # slope on top
phi_local = np.arctan(local_slope)
phinewt = np.pi- phi + 2*phi_local # is ok?
phinewt = phinewt%np.pi - np.pi # should be in [-pi,0]
return xnewt,ynewt,phinewt,0
print('error, x=',x,'; y=',y,'; phi=',phi) # all cases failed to find next bounce
return x,y,phi,2 # error reported here!
# function needed to find where trajectory line crosses top wall, used by root finder
def rfun(x,d,a,slope,yb) :
return yb + slope*x - d - a*np.cos(x)
# for testing the single bounce routine!
d = 1.2; a = 0.5;
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,2),dpi=200)
xlin,ylin = lin_rink(d,a)
xold = np.pi; yold=0.5; phiold = 0.33
for i in range(30):
xnew,ynew,phinew,err = single_bounce(xold,yold,phiold,d,a)
xold = xnew; yold= ynew; phiold=phinew
if (err>0):
# for testing the single bounce routine!
d = 1.2; a = 0.5;
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,2),dpi=250)
xlin,ylin = lin_rink(d,a)
xold = 1.2; yold=0.0; phiold = 0.33
for i in range(30):
xnew,ynew,phinew,err = single_bounce(xold,yold,phiold,d,a)
xold = xnew; yold= ynew; phiold=phinew
if (err>0):
# for making a surface of section for ripple billiard
# here x is position for a point with y=0
# sa is sin(alpha) where alpha is angle of trajectory from vertical
# return the next point that reaches the y=0 wall
# d,a are parameters setting rink geometry
# breaks and returns current point if the single bounce routine gives an error
def surf_sec1(x,sa,d,a):
alpha = np.arcsin(sa) #
phi = alpha + np.pi/2
xold = x; yold=y; phiold = phi; ynew = 1;
while (ynew !=0):
xnew,ynew,phinew,err = single_bounce(xold,yold,phiold,d,a)
xold = xnew; yold = ynew; phiold=phinew
if (err>0):
alphanew = phinew-np.pi/2 # new things are defined if there is a break
sanew = np.sin(alphanew)
return xnew, sanew
# get n orbit points that can be plotted for a surface of section
# run surf_sec1 routine n times for an orbit
# returns:
# xarr: array of x positions
# sarr: array of sin(alpha) positions
def surf_secn(x,sa,d,a,n):
xarr = [x]
sarr = [sa]
for k in range(n):
xnew, sanew = surf_sec1(x,sa,d,a)
x = xnew; sa = sanew
xarr = np.append(xarr,x)
sarr = np.append(sarr,sa)
return xarr, sarr
colorlist = ['blue','black','green','cyan','blueviolet','orange','brown','magenta','red','teal','gold',\
nc = len(colorlist)
def plt_stf(ax,x,sa,d,a,n):
xarr, sarr = surf_secn(x,sa,d,a,n)
i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)
d = 1.2; a = 0.2;n=300
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(4,3),dpi=300)
for i in range(200):
x = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=np.pi)
d = 1.2; a = 0.4; n=300
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(4,3),dpi=300)
for i in range(200):
x = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=np.pi)
# I still have some issues with near horizontal trajectories
radius $R=1$ assumed, $w\in [1,2]$.
Horizontal width is $wR$.
$w = 1 + \cos(\theta_{max})$
$\theta_{max}= {\rm arccos}(w-1) $
Could make a surface of section with trajectories going through a horizontal line. Or maybe p_theta, theta?
# create a set of points on the D billiard rink so it can be plotted
def lin_rink_D(w):
theta_max = np.arccos(w-1) # arccos in [0,pi]
tlin = np.linspace(theta_max,2*np.pi-theta_max,200)
xlin = np.cos(tlin)
ylin = np.sin(tlin)
xlin = np.append(xlin,xlin[0])
ylin = np.append(ylin,ylin[0])
return xlin,ylin
# return a mod b but in range [-b/2, b/2]
def mod_mid(a,b):
z = (a + b/2)%b - b/2
return z
twopi = 2*np.pi
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3),dpi=200)
# show the rink!
w = 1.5; xlin,ylin = lin_rink_D(w); ax.plot(xlin,ylin,'r-',lw=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fd87e9e3d90>]
given position $y_0, x_0$ and slope $s$ defining a line $y = y_0 + s(x-x_0)$
Find where this line intersects the unit circle. Solve for $x$ using quadratic equation
\begin{align} y^2 &= y_0^2 + s^2(x-x_0)^2 + 2 y_0 (x-x_0) s \\ & = y_0^2 + s^2 x_0^2 - 2 y_0 x_0s - 2 x_0 s^2 x + 2 y_0 s x + s^2 x^2 \\ & = c' + b' x + a' x^2 \end{align}with \begin{align} c' & = y_0^2 + s^2 x_0^2 - 2 s y_0 x_0 \\ b' & = -2 x_0 s^2 + 2 y_0 s\\ a' & = s^2 \end{align}
\begin{align} 1 - x^2 & = c' + b' x + a' x^2 \\ 0& = (c'-1) + b' x + (a'+1) x^2 \\ & = c + bx+ ax^2 \end{align}with \begin{align} c & = y_0^2 + s^2 x_0^2 - 2 s y_0 x_0 - 1\\ b & = -2 x_0 s^2 + 2 y_0 s\\ a & = s^2 +1 \end{align}
# given position x0,y0 and slope s defining a line y = y_0 + s(x-x0)
# find leftmost x position where it intersects the unit circle
def give_x_circ(x0,y0,s):
a = s**2 + 1.0
b = -2*x0*s**2 + 2*y0*s
c = y0**2 + s**2*x0**2 - 2*s*y0*x0 - 1.0
ppos = b**2 - 4*a*c
if (ppos > 0):
xp = (-b + np.sqrt(ppos))/(2*a) # solve quadratic equation
xm = (-b - np.sqrt(ppos))/(2*a)
return xm
print('no real root')
return -10 # error return! here !!!!
# if z=0 then point is on circle
# theta is angle on circle, with 0 to right, in [-pi,pi]
# phi is slope w.r.t to normal, in [-pi/2,pi/2]
# if z=1 then point is on segment,
# theta is y value,
# phi is slope of trajectory w.r.t to horizontal, in [0,pi]
# return new point theta,phi,z,err
# err is 0 if new point moves, 1 if fixed point, 2 if routine fails !!!error!
# w sets geometry of D billiard w in [1,2]
def single_bounce_D(theta_y,phi,z,w):
if ((w<1) or (w>2)):
return theta_y,phi,z,2 # error
xmax = w-1.0
theta_max = np.arccos(xmax) # in [0,pi]
err_fixed = 1
if (z==0): # we are on the circle and phi is angle w.r.t to direction to center of circle in [-pi/2,pi/2]
if (np.abs(phi) == np.pi/2):
return theta_y,phi,z,err_fixed # is a fixed point
# on circle
newtheta = mod_mid(theta_y + np.pi - 2*phi,twopi) # rotate and keep within [-pi,pi]
if (np.abs(newtheta)<theta_max): # we need to put the next point on the segment!!
x = np.cos(theta_y)
y = np.sin(theta_y)
newphi = phi-theta_y
slope = np.tan(-newphi) # slope w.r.t to vertical line
newphi = newphi%np.pi # in [0,pi]
yp = y + slope*(xmax - x)
newz = 1 # on segment
return yp,newphi,newz,0 # returns on segment
return newtheta,phi,z,0 # stays on circle
else: # is currently on the segment, phi is angle from horizontal and gives slope
# for line that starts from segment, we need to find
# where this line intersects the circle
if (np.abs(phi)==np.pi/2):
return theta_y,phi,z,err_fixed # is a fixed point, because is vertical trajectory on segment
yp = theta_y # point on segment
slope = np.tan(phi) # slope directly from angle phi
xm = give_x_circ(xmax,yp,slope) # returns negative most x value for intercept of line with circle
if (xm < -1):
err=2 # no real root problem!!!!!
return theta,phi,z,err # return an error flag!
ym = yp + slope*(xm-xmax) # corresponding y value
newtheta = np.arctan2(ym,xm) # in [-pi,pi]
newphi = mod_mid(phi - newtheta,np.pi) # in [-pi/2,pi/2]
newz = 0 # on circle
return newtheta,newphi,newz,0 # returns on circle
# return (x,y) for plotting points
def givexy(theta_y,phi,z,w):
xmax = w-1.0
if (z==0): # on circle then theta_y is an angle
x = np.cos(theta_y)
y = np.sin(theta_y)
return x,y
else: # on segment now theta_y is y value
y = theta_y
return xmax,y
# same as givexy() but for arrays
# returns arrays of x,y positions
def givexy_arr(theta_yarr,phi_arr,zarr,w):
xmax = w-1.0
xarr = phi_arr*0; yarr = phi_arr*0
ii = (zarr==0) # on circle
xarr[ii] = np.cos(theta_yarr[ii])
yarr[ii] = np.sin(theta_yarr[ii])
ii = (zarr!=0) # on segment
xarr[ii] = xmax
yarr[ii] = theta_yarr[ii]
return xarr,yarr
def give_n_bounces_D(theta_y,phi,z,w,n):
theta_yarr = []
phiarr = []
zarr = []
theta_yold = theta_y
phi_old = phi
z_old = z
xarr = []
yarr = []
for i in range(n):
theta_yarr = np.append(theta_yarr,theta_yold)
phiarr = np.append(phiarr,phi_old)
zarr = np.append(zarr,z_old)
x,y = givexy(theta_yold,phi_old,z_old,w)
xarr = np.append(xarr,x)
yarr = np.append(yarr,y)
newtheta,newphi,newz,err = single_bounce_D(theta_yold,phi_old,z_old,w)
if (err==1):
print('fixed point')
break # fixed point and that's it.
if (err==2):
print('no real root problem')
theta_yold = newtheta; phi_old = newphi; z_old = newz
return theta_yarr,phiarr,zarr,xarr, yarr
# for testing nbounces routine
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3),dpi=150)
w = 1.67; xlin,ylin = lin_rink_D(w); ax.plot(xlin,ylin,'r-',lw=2)
if (1==0):
theta = 0; phi = 3*np.pi/16; z = 0; n=5 # on circle
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(theta,phi,z,w,n)
ax.plot([xarr[0]],[yarr[0]],'co',ms=8) # initial condition
if (1==1):
theta = np.pi/2; phi = -3*np.pi/16; z = 0; n=10 # on circle
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(theta,phi,z,w,n)
ax.plot([xarr[0]],[yarr[0]],'co',ms=8) # initial condition
if (1==0):
yb=-0.9; phi =0.0; z = 1; n=3 # on segment
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(yb,phi,z,w,n)
ax.plot([xarr[0]],[yarr[0]],'co',ms=8) # initial condition
# another example of a screw up below!
1.4474833324893495 0.4462359458507579 0
# for testing routines
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3),dpi=250)
w = 1.7; xlin,ylin = lin_rink_D(w); ax.plot(xlin,ylin,'r-',lw=2)
theta = -0.25; phi = 0.3; z = 1; n=40
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(theta,phi,z,w,n)
ax.plot([xarr[0]],[yarr[0]],'co',ms=3) # initial condition
# we would like to have sarr be array of positions along boundary
# and barr a trajectory from normal angle
# sarr which is position should lie in [0,twopi-2*theta_max+ 2*ymax]
# barr which is angle should like in [-pi/2,pi/2]
def coord_trans_D(theta_yarr,phiarr,zarr,w):
xmax = w-1.0
theta_max = np.arccos(xmax)
ymax = np.sin(theta_max)
sarr = np.zeros(len(phiarr)) # to store position along boundary
barr = np.zeros(len(phiarr))
ii = (zarr==0) # points on circle
# theta goes from -theta_max to -pi and pi to theta_max
# theta%twopi goes from theta_max to 2pi-theta_max
sarr[ii] = theta_yarr[ii]%twopi - theta_max # should go from 0 to twopi-2*theta_max
barr[ii] = mod_mid(phiarr[ii],np.pi) # within [-pi/2,pi/2]
ii = (zarr!=0) # points on segment
barr[ii] = mod_mid(phiarr[ii],np.pi) # phi was in [0,pi] but here we take angle in [-pi/2,pi/2]
sarr[ii] = theta_yarr[ii] + twopi-2*theta_max + ymax
# should go from twopi-2*theta_max to twopi-2*theta_max + 2*ymax
return sarr,barr
# test coord_trans_D
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(5,2),dpi=200)
eps = 0.2
axarr[1].set_ylim([-np.pi/2 - eps,np.pi/2+eps])
w = 1.5; xlin,ylin = lin_rink_D(w); axarr[0].plot(xlin,ylin,'r-',lw=2)
xmax = w-1.0
theta_max = np.arccos(xmax)
ymax = np.sin(theta_max)
smax = twopi - 2*theta_max + 2*ymax
#theta_lin = np.linspace(-np.pi,-theta_max,10)
#theta_lin = np.linspace(theta_max,np.pi,10)
theta_lin = np.linspace(-ymax,ymax,10)
phi_arr = theta_lin*0 + 0.1 # if take tan of this is actual slope , so pi/2 is up
# phi is is in [0,pi]
zarr = theta_lin*0 + 1 # on segment
xarr,yarr = givexy_arr(theta_lin,phi_arr,zarr,w)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_lin,phi_arr,zarr,w)
theta_lin = np.linspace(-np.pi,-theta_max,10) # on circle
#theta_lin = np.linspace(theta_max,np.pi,10)
phi_arr = theta_lin*0 + 0.1
zarr = theta_lin*0
xarr,yarr = givexy_arr(theta_lin,phi_arr,zarr,w)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_lin,phi_arr,zarr,w)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fd85961fd60>]
# for testing nbounces,coord_trans_B routine
w = 1.9
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(5,2),dpi=200)
xmax = w-1.0
theta_max = np.arccos(xmax)
ymax = np.sin(theta_max)
smax = twopi - 2*theta_max + 2*ymax
eps = 0.2
axarr[1].set_ylim([-np.pi/2 - eps,np.pi/2+eps])
# show rink on left
xlin,ylin = lin_rink_D(w); axarr[0].plot(xlin,ylin,'r-',lw=2)
# show boundary on right too
sqa_x = [0,smax,smax,0,0]
sqa_y = [-np.pi/2,-np.pi/2,np.pi/2,np.pi/2,-np.pi/2]
if (1==1):
yb = 0.0; phi = 0.864 ; z = 1; n=30 # choose initial condition on segment
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(yb,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
if (1==0):
theta = np.pi/3+0.1; phi = np.pi/6 ; z = 0; n=30 # choose initial condition on circle
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(theta,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
axarr[0].plot([xarr[0]],[yarr[0]],'co',ms=4) # initial condition
axarr[1].plot(sarr[0],barr[0],'co',ms=3) # initial condition
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fd86083b040>]
colorlist = ['blue','black','green','cyan','blueviolet','orange','brown','magenta','red','teal','gold',\
nc = len(colorlist)
#def plt_stf_D(ax,x,sa,d,a,n):
# xarr, sarr = surf_secn(x,sa,d,a,n)
# i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)
# ax.scatter(xarr,sarr,s=0.4,edgecolor='none',facecolor=colorlist[i],lw=1)
# for testing nbounces,coord_trans_B routine
w = 1.95 # choose shape
#set up figure
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3.3,3),dpi=200)
xmax = w-1.0
theta_max = np.arccos(xmax)
ymax = np.sin(theta_max)
smax = twopi - 2*theta_max + 2*ymax
eps = 0.0
#ax.set_ylim([-np.pi/2 - eps,np.pi/2+eps])
sqa_x = [0,smax,smax,0,0]
#sqa_y = [-np.pi/2,-np.pi/2,np.pi/2,np.pi/2,-np.pi/2]
sqa_y = [-1,-1,1,1,-1]
z = 0; n=400
# points on the circle
for k in range(50):
theta = np.random.uniform(low=theta_max,high=np.pi);
phi = np.random.uniform(low=-np.pi/2,high=np.pi/2);
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(theta,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)
z = 1; #points on segment
for k in range(50):
yb = np.random.uniform(low=-ymax,high=ymax);
phi = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=np.pi);
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(yb,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)
Seems area preserving! but not very pretty at all
maybe we need to do a surface of section instead?
Horizontal lines are periodic orbits that would exist in the absense of the segment. For example you can have a bunch of triangles as long as no vertex extends onto the segment. you can slightly tilt the trangle and it is a happy periodic orbit.
# for testing nbounces,coord_trans_B routine
w = 1.7 # choose shape
#set up figure
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3.3,3),dpi=200)
xmax = w-1.0
theta_max = np.arccos(xmax)
ymax = np.sin(theta_max)
smax = twopi - 2*theta_max + 2*ymax
eps = 0.0
#ax.set_ylim([-np.pi/2 - eps,np.pi/2+eps])
sqa_x = [0,smax,smax,0,0]
#sqa_y = [-np.pi/2,-np.pi/2,np.pi/2,np.pi/2,-np.pi/2]
sqa_y = [-1,-1,1,1,-1]
z = 0; n=400
# points on the circle
for k in range(50):
theta = np.random.uniform(low=theta_max,high=np.pi);
phi = np.random.uniform(low=-np.pi/2,high=np.pi/2);
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(theta,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)
z = 1; #points on segment
for k in range(50):
yb = np.random.uniform(low=-ymax,high=ymax);
phi = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=np.pi);
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(yb,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)
# for testing nbounces,coord_trans_B routine
w = 1.3 # choose shape
#set up figure
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3.3,3),dpi=200)
xmax = w-1.0
theta_max = np.arccos(xmax)
ymax = np.sin(theta_max)
smax = twopi - 2*theta_max + 2*ymax
eps = 0.0
#ax.set_ylim([-np.pi/2 - eps,np.pi/2+eps])
sqa_x = [0,smax,smax,0,0]
#sqa_y = [-np.pi/2,-np.pi/2,np.pi/2,np.pi/2,-np.pi/2]
sqa_y = [-1,-1,1,1,-1]
z = 0; n=400
# points on the circle
for k in range(50):
theta = np.random.uniform(low=theta_max,high=np.pi);
phi = np.random.uniform(low=-np.pi/2,high=np.pi/2);
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(theta,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)
z = 1; #points on segment
for k in range(50):
yb = np.random.uniform(low=-ymax,high=ymax);
phi = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=np.pi);
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(yb,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)
# for testing nbounces,coord_trans_B routine
w = 1.9 # choose shape
#set up figure
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3.3,3),dpi=200)
xmax = w-1.0
theta_max = np.arccos(xmax)
ymax = np.sin(theta_max)
smax = twopi - 2*theta_max + 2*ymax
eps = 0.0
#ax.set_ylim([-np.pi/2 - eps,np.pi/2+eps])
sqa_x = [0,smax,smax,0,0]
#sqa_y = [-np.pi/2,-np.pi/2,np.pi/2,np.pi/2,-np.pi/2]
sqa_y = [-1,-1,1,1,-1]
z = 0; n=10000
# points on the circle
for k in range(0):
theta = np.random.uniform(low=theta_max,high=np.pi);
phi = np.random.uniform(low=-np.pi/2,high=np.pi/2);
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(theta,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)
z = 1; #points on segment
for k in range(1):
yb = np.random.uniform(low=-ymax,high=ymax);
phi = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=np.pi);
theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,xarr,yarr = give_n_bounces_D(yb,phi,z,w,n)
sarr,barr = coord_trans_D(theta_arr,phiarr,zarr,w)
i = np.random.randint(0, high=nc)