Our state vector [x,y] with angle $x \in [0,2\pi]$
If $\gamma=1$ then we recover the Standard map but usually keeping $y \in [0, 2\pi]$.
If $\gamma=1.5$ we have the Kepler map.
# import python libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from scipy.integrate import odeint
import math
%matplotlib inline
MOD_STD = True # if this is true, then keep standard map with y in [0, 2pi]
# set this to false if you want to look at diffusive behavior for example
# fill a vector with nsteps of the map
# arguments:
# x0,y0 is initial condition, mgamma, K are parameters for the map
# n is number of iterations requested
# returns: a vector for x and a vector for y
# for each of n iterations of the map
def n_steps(x0,y0,n,mgamma,K):
xvec = np.zeros(0) # make an array to store iterations
yvec = np.zeros(0)
xn = x0 # initial conditions
yn = y0
xvec = np.append(xvec,x0) # append initial conditions to array
yvec = np.append(yvec,y0)
for i in range(n): #iterations loop
ynplus1 = yn + K*np.sin(xn) # the map!
if (mgamma==1.0): # standard map!
if (MOD_STD == True):
ynplus1 = ynplus1%twopi # modulo 2pi
xnplus1 = xn + ynplus1
xnplus1 = xn + np.sign(ynplus1)*np.abs(ynplus1)**mgamma
xnplus1 = xnplus1%twopi # x modulo 2pi
xvec = np.append(xvec,xnplus1) #store position in arrays
yvec = np.append(yvec,ynplus1)
xn = xnplus1 # update positions so can iterate
yn = ynplus1
return xvec,yvec
colorstr = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'magenta', 'cyan','brown','gray','violet']
lcstr = len(colorstr)
# call previous routine and plot a single orbit with a randomly choosen color
# arguments: ax is plotting axis, x0,y0 are initial conditions, n is number of points
# gamma, K are parameters of map
def plt_nsteps(ax,x0,y0,n,mgamma,K):
xvec,yvec = n_steps(x0,y0,n,mgamma,K)
k = np.random.randint(0, high=lcstr)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3),dpi=200)
n=500 # number of steps of the map
K=0.9 # parameter for map
mgamma=1.0 # standard map
for i in range(100):
x0 = np.random.random()*twopi
y0 = np.random.random()*twopi
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,8),dpi=200)
n=500 # number of steps of the map
K=0.3 # parameter for map
mgamma=1.5 # standard map
for i in range(500):
x0 = np.random.random()*twopi
y0 = np.random.random()*15