A random walk is sometimes described with a drunken sailor who takes a step and then forgets which way he was going and then takes another step. We start our sailors at $x=0$ (the pub). After $N$ steps we expect that the distribution of a bunch of sailors (all leaving the pub at the same time) and moving in 1 dimension is Gaussian in shape.
A normalized Gaussian probability distribution with mean $\mu=0$ and dispersion $\sigma$ is $$ p(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} e^{-x^2/(2 \sigma^2)} $$ Here the dispersion (or standard deviation) $\sigma$ is the the square root of the variance. The variance of a probability distribution with zero mean is $$\sigma^2 = \int_{-\infty}^\infty p(x) x^2 dx $$
If the dispersion of a single step is $\sigma$ then the distribution of sailors after $N$ steps is well described by a probability distribution $$ p(x,N) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma_N^2}} e^{-x^2/(2 \sigma_N^2)} $$ with $\sigma_N = \sqrt{N}\sigma$.
Below I illustrate a code that does a 1-dimensional random walk using a sum of Gaussian distributions. The resulting distribution of drunk sailors matches the predicted Gaussian distribution.
The Central Limit Theorem states that the sum of a bunch of independent variables should (in most cases)
be well described by a normal (Gaussian) distribution.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_limit_theorem
So as long as each step is generated by a well behaved probability distribution, it does not matter what we use to generate it. In other words we should get the same behavior using steps generated from a normal distribution as we would if we had flipped a coin at each step, taking a step of equal length in either direction. Here well behaved means with finite mean and variance.
# example making a random walk and showing that the distribution after a number of
# steps is a gaussian
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats # has lots of distribution functions in it
from math import erfc # complimentary error function
# randomly walk nsteps and return the x value
# starting at x=0
# each step has zero mean and a variance of 1
def walkn(nsteps): # random walk using a normal distribution for step sizes
r = stats.norm.rvs(size=nsteps) # normal distribution mean=0 variance=1
# r is a vector values randomly generated with a normal distribution
return sum(r) # the sum of the entire vector!
# walk npart numbers of particles (or sailors) nsteps and return a vector of x positions
# the function that gives us a randomly generated position is walkn
def npart_walkn(npart,nsteps):
xvec = np.zeros(0)
for i in range(npart):
x = walkn(nsteps) # a single random walk value
xvec = np.append(xvec,x) # append each random walk to the vector
return xvec
nsteps = 100 # number of steps
npart = 1000 # number of particles (sailors) to let walk around
# fill a vector with npart walkers each walking nsteps
xvec = npart_walkn(npart,nsteps)
# this vector contains final positions of each walker
# plot the histogram, i.e., measured distribution of final positions
# after n steps of random walking
n, bins, patches =plt.hist(xvec,bins=20,density=True)
# this retuns as n the number of values counted, bins is the x values of the bins,
# patches is for plotting the histogram
plt.ylabel("p(x)",fontsize=22) # probability!
# a gaussian probability density distribution, this is a function!
mygaus = stats.norm(0.0, np.sqrt(nsteps)) # should scale with sqrt(nsteps)
xlin = np.linspace(1.1*min(bins),1.1*max(bins),100)
y = mygaus.pdf(xlin) # evaluate the function
plt.plot(xlin,y,"k", lw=3 ) #plot the expected density distribution as a black line
After 100 steps of random walk 1000 particles show a gaussian distribution with width predicted using the square root of the number of steps (and their sizes).
# check that if we increase the number of particles we get the same answer
nsteps = 400 # number of steps
npart = 4000 # number of particles to let walk around
xvec = npart_walkn(npart,nsteps)
# plot the histogram, i.e., measured distribution of final positions after n steps of random walking around
n, bins, patches =plt.hist(xvec,bins=30,density=True,alpha=0.5)
mygaus = stats.norm(0.0, np.sqrt(nsteps)) # should scale with sqrt(nsteps)
xlin = np.linspace(1.1*min(bins),1.1*max(bins),100)
y = mygaus.pdf(xlin)
plt.plot(xlin,y,"g", lw=3 ) #plot the expected density distribution as a black line
After 400 steps of random walk 4000 particles show a gaussian distribution with width predicted using the square root of the number of steps (and their sizes). This picture should look even better than the last one as we ran more particles and steps, and that's good.
# notes on the stats package
stats.norm.rvs(size=n) # returns a vector n long that has random values from a normal distribution
stats.norm.rvs() # returns a single random number (generated from a normal distribution)
func = stats.norm.pdf # a probability density function that is normal!
# you can call this with func(x)
mean=0; std=1
stats.norm(mean, std).rvs() # uses a normal distribution with mean and standard deviation
If there is a post at $x_p>0$ the fraction of sailors currently past the post after $N$ steps of size chosen with dispersion $\sigma$ is
\begin{align*} f(x_p,N) &= \int_{x_p}^\infty \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma_N^2}} e^{-x^2/(2 \sigma_N^2)} dx \\ &= \int_{x_p/(\sqrt{2}\sigma_N)}^\infty \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}e^{-z^2} dz\\ &= \frac{1}{2} {\rm erfc}\left( \frac{x_p}{\sqrt{2}\sigma_N} \right) \end{align*}with $\sigma_N = \sqrt{N} \sigma$. This integral can be visualized as the area under the probability function past $x_p$.
The complimentary error function is defined as $$ {\rm erfc}(y) \equiv \frac{2}{\pi} \int_y^\infty e^{-t^2} dt $$
We now place a ditch at a particular $x$
location, $x_{ditch}$ which we take to be $>0$.
If a drunken sailor steps into the ditch then he can't get out and sleeps there until morning.
For N=60 and $x_{ditch}=10$ I find that about twice as many sailors wind up in the ditch as incorrectly predicted with this formula.
Physicists have exploited this analogy to account for the trapping rates of atoms in a potential well due to thermal motions.
An example of a probability distribution that is heavy tailed is the Cauchy distribution. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauchy_distribution
$$f(x) = \frac{1}{\pi} \frac{1}{x^2+ 1} $$The maximum of this function is $1/\pi$ and the full width half max can be found by solving for $x$ with $\frac{1}{{x^2} + 1} = 1/2$ (and then multiplying by 2). The full width half max (FWHM) is 2.
The full width half-max (FWHM = full width half max) can be controlled with a parameter $\gamma$ giving a probability distribution $$f(y) = \frac{1}{\pi\gamma} \frac{\gamma^2}{y^2+ \gamma^2} $$ The maximum value of this Cauchy distribution is $ \frac{1}{\pi\gamma}$ and its FWHM $=2 \gamma$.
The Cauchy distribution has a nice property that a sum of random variables drawn from Cauchy distributions is also
Cauchy, but with a larger FWHM.
However, the Cauchy distribution has tails that are pathological in the sense that the distribution
has infinite variance. It is an example of a distribution that violates the Central Limit theorem.
To qualitatively illustrate the implications, we show a 2-dimensional random walk generated with steps taken from a Cauchy distribution and compare it to that generated from a random walk taken with steps generated from a normal distribution.
To generate a random walk on the $x,y$ plane, we
generate an angle $\theta$ using a uniforma distribution in $[0,2\pi)$.
The angle is used to set the direction of a step.
We generate a distance $d$ for the step using
either the Cauchy or normal probability distributions.
The walker updates its $x,y$ position with
$x^{n+1} = x^n + d \cos \theta$
$y^{n+1} = y^n + d \sin \theta$
Here $(x^n,y^n)$ is the position at time step $n$.
This gives a randomly generated walk on the $x,y$ plane.
# example comparing 2-Dimensional random walks with normal and Cauchy distribution steps
# fill some vectors with random walks using Gaussian and using Cauchy distributions
# for sizes of steps
# 2d random walks, this routine returns 4 vectors, x,y for each random walk
# angles for each step are chosen from uniform distribution
# but distances moved in each step are chosen from normal or Cauchy distributions
# nsteps is the number of steps taken for both random walks
# mgamma is the gamma parameter for the Cauchy distribution
def fillvecs(nsteps,mgamma):
xCvec=np.zeros(0); yCvec=np.zeros(0) # vectors of positions for Cauchy steps
xC=0.0; yC=0.0; # initial conditions for the Cauchy walk
xCvec = np.append(xCvec,xC); yCvec = np.append(yCvec,yC)
# append initial conditions
xNvec=np.zeros(0); yNvec=np.zeros(0) # vectors of positions for normal steps
xN=0.0; yN=0.0 # initial conditions for the normal walk
xNvec = np.append(xNvec,xN); yNvec = np.append(yNvec,yN)
# append initial conditions
for i in range(nsteps):
theta1 = stats.uniform.rvs()*2.0*np.pi #uniformly distributed angles
rC = stats.cauchy.rvs(scale=mgamma) #cauchy distn step size
xC += rC*np.cos(theta1) # update coordinate positions
yC += rC*np.sin(theta1)
xCvec = np.append(xCvec,xC); yCvec = np.append(yCvec,yC) #Cauchy
rN = stats.norm.rvs() # normal distn step size
theta2 = stats.uniform.rvs()*2.0*np.pi
xN += rN*np.cos(theta2) #update coordinate positions
yN += rN*np.sin(theta2)
xNvec = np.append(xNvec,xN); yNvec = np.append(yNvec,yN) #Normal
return xCvec,yCvec,xNvec,yNvec # return the 4 vectors
The routines stats.cauchy.rvs() and stats.norm.rvs() can return a vector of randomly generated numbers whereas stats.norm.pdf and stats.cauchy.pdf are probability density functions.
mgamma=0.05 # gamma parameter for the Cauchy distribution
xC,yC,xN,yN = fillvecs(230,0.1) # get our random walk trajectories
# and plot them
plt.plot(xC,yC,'ro',alpha=0.5, label=r"Cauchy, $\gamma$=0.05")
plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
plt.axis('equal'); # set aspect ratio
We notice that the normal distribution random walk looks very different than the Cauchy one. The Cauchy one has intermittent clumps and large intermediate steps due to its tail. The two walks look very different! Here I have reduced the size of the Cauchy steps, so we could get the two walks nicely in the same window!
# do it again!
xC,yC,xN,yN = fillvecs(500,0.05) # get our random walk trajectories
# and plot them
plt.plot(xC,yC,'ro', alpha=0.5, label=r"Cauchy $\gamma=0.05$")
plt.plot(xN,yN,'bo',alpha = 0.5, label="Normal")
plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
For $x,y$ both drawn from a Gaussian distribution with standard deviations $\sigma_x, \sigma_y$, and $z=x+y$, the standard deviation $\sigma_z = \sqrt{\sigma_x^2 + \sigma_y^2}$. The distribution of $z$ is also Gaussian.
For $x,y$ both drawn from a Cauchy distribution with HWHMs (half width half max) $\gamma_x, \gamma_y$, and $z=x+y$, the HWHM $\gamma_z = \gamma_x + \gamma_y$. The distribution of $z$ is also Cauchy.
Consider a random variable $z = x+ y$ that is a sum of two randomly generated variables. We take $x$ generated with a normal distribution and $y$ generated with a Cauchy distribution.
In other words let $x$ be generated with a normal probability distribution $$ p(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi }} e^{-x^2/2 } $$ and $y$ be generated with a Cauchy distribution with $$f(y) = \frac{1}{\pi\gamma} \frac{\gamma^2}{y^2+ \gamma^2} $$
We do a random walk where each step is given by $z$ and is the sum of a randomly generated $x$ and a randomly generated $y$. This is a 1-dimensional random walk.
Write a 1 dimensional random walk routine where each step is a sum of a step generated from a normal distribution and one from a Cauchy distribution.
To adjust the size of the Cauchy step, you can vary the parameter $\gamma$.
By running random walks for a bunch of particles you can look at the distributions after a number of steps.
You may need to limit the range of the histograms when you plot them, for example with
n, bins, patches =plt.hist(xvec,bins=20,density=True, range=[-50,50])
Even if there are weak heavy tails, they will dominate the probablity distribution on long timescales.
At timestep $N$, the mean of the distribution of $N_{particles}$ is estimated as
$$ \mu_{N} = \frac{1}{N_{particles}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{particles}} z_{i,N}$$
where $z_{i,N}$ is the position of the $i$-th particle after taking
$N$ steps in the walk.
The variance can be estimated as
$$\sigma_{N}^2 = \frac{1}{N_{particles}-1} \sum_{i=0}^{N_{particles}} (z_{i,N} - \mu_{N})^2 $$
Useful routines are numpy.var() or numpy.std() as they will compute $\sigma_N$ for you from an array of values!
With the Cauchy distribution, every once in a while a particle every takes a huge step and these dominate the computation of the standard deviation. Only on short times (few steps) and with extremely small levels of the Cauchy steps would we see sqrt like behavior in the standard deviation as a function of the number of steps.
For a random walk generated with a Gaussian distribution with mean $\mu=0$, the standard deviation is well behaved and increases with the square root of the number of steps taken. A concentration of such walkers would obey the diffusion equation
$$\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t} = D \left( \frac{\partial^2 \rho}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 \rho}{\partial y^2} \right ) $$
with diffusion coefficient dependent on the time between steps and the variance of the Gaussian distribution.
A concentration of random walkers that move with steps drawn with the Cauchy distribution will not obey the diffusion equation.
This is related to what is called anomalous diffusion and Levy flights. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anomalous_diffusion and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9vy_flight