# import numpy and a random number generator
import numpy as np
from numpy import random
# make it possible to plot figures within the notebook
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# matplotlib allows us to make figures
twopi = 2*np.pi # useful global variable
# update a time step!
# arguments:
# a theta_arr array of phases for N oscillators
# K interaction strength K
# omega_arr can be an array or a single number, lists intrinsic frequencies
# timestep dt
# returns: a new theta array after integrating 1 timestep
def new_theta(theta_arr,omega_arr,K,dt):
N = len(theta_arr)
new_theta_arr = np.copy(theta_arr)
dtheta = np.zeros(len(theta_arr))
# looping over all pairs of oscillators
for j in range(1,N): # for each possible shift
shift_theta_arr = np.roll(theta_arr,j) # periodic boundary
dtheta += K*np.sin(shift_theta_arr - theta_arr)
# adding to whole array at once
# this is faster than doing a double loop
dtheta += omega_arr # these are the intrinsic frequencies
# instrisic frequencies could be an array of different frequencies
new_theta_arr += dt*dtheta
return new_theta_arr%twopi # modulo 2 pi
# carry out nsteps timesteps of the Kuramoto model
# returns: new array of phases for each oscillator
# arguments:
# theta_arr has phases in it
# K is the interaction strength
# dt is the time step
# nsteps how many timesteps to do
# omega_arr an array of intrinsic frequencies
def do_nsteps(theta_arr,omega_arr,K,dt,nsteps):
new_theta_arr = np.copy(theta_arr)
for i in range(nsteps): # iterate nsteps
new_theta_arr = new_theta(new_theta_arr,omega_arr,K,dt)
return new_theta_arr # return new array!
# fill a 2d array with timesteps
# first index gives which oscillator
# second index gives which timestep
# returns:
# the 2d array, zarr
# arguments:
# theta_arr has initial conditions (phases)
# K is the interaction strength
# dt is the time step
# nsteps, how many timesteps to do
# omega_arr an array of intrinsic frequencies
def fill2d(theta_arr,omega_arr,K,dt,nsteps):
zarr = np.zeros((N,nsteps)) # our 2d array
zarr[:,0] = theta_arr # initial conditions
new_theta_arr = theta_arr
for i in range(1,nsteps):
new_theta_arr = new_theta(new_theta_arr,omega_arr,K,dt)
zarr[:,i] = new_theta_arr
return zarr
# just plotting phases as a function of index $j$
theta_arr = 2*np.pi*np.random.random(N) # random initial conditions
K=0.1; dt=0.1
omega_arr = np.ones(N) # intrinsic frequency array
# make a 2d array with timesteps
theta_arr = 2*np.pi*np.random.random(N)
K=0.01; dt=0.1
omega_arr = np.ones(N)
zarr = fill2d(theta_arr,omega_arr,\
K,dt,nsteps) # fill a 2d array [i,j] #i is oscillator, j is timestep
tmax = nsteps*dt
extent = ((0,tmax,0,N))
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(5,3))
from matplotlib import animation, rc
from IPython.display import HTML
# First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim((-rmax, rmax))
ax.set_ylim((-rmax, rmax))
# this is where plotting object is defined!
dots, = ax.plot([],[],'ro', lw=2,ms=6,alpha=0.5)
# initialization function: plot the background of each frame
# line is a line2D object that we have previously defined globally
def init():
dots.set_data([], [])
return (dots,) # returns a tuple with the object *line* in it
# animation function. This is called sequentially with integer i increasing
# this routine expects that a global object line exists already
def animate_fun(i):
theta_arr = np.squeeze(zarr[:,i])
x = np.cos(theta_arr)
y = np.sin(theta_arr)
dots.set_data(x, y)
return (dots,)
# call the animator. blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate_fun, init_func=init,
frames=200, interval=20, blit=True)