%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# try to get a pretty picture for the logistic-like map biffurcation plot
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina' # if you have a retina screen
# a solution
from scipy.special import zeta
def myzeta(s):
zsum = 0
Nmax = 1e7
# use lots of terms in the sum
# sum down to try to improve accuracy
for i in range(int(Nmax),0,-1):
zsum += i**-s
return zsum
# how accurate is it?
def diff_zeta(x):
diff = myzeta(x) - zeta(x)
diff_zeta(2) # satisfies the requested accuracy
Convergence is very slow as the terms are close to $1/n$ as $s$ gets near 1 and a sum of $1/n$ does not converge.
Summing small things first is more accurate than summing large things first because of round off error.
I found I need at least $10^7$ terms in the sum to achieve an accuracy of $10^{-7}$ at $s=2$.
# another solution
# let's try comparing fsum to sum on 2 lists
from math import fsum
def myzeta2(s):
Nmax = 2e7 # use lots of terms in the sum
pvec_up = np.arange(1,int(Nmax),dtype=float) #increasing
# sum down to try to improve accuracy?
pvec_down = np.arange(int(Nmax-1),0,-1,dtype=float) #decreasing
# list of integers (but a floats) starting with Nmax, going to 1
pvec_up = pvec_up**-s # only works if array is float
pvec_down = pvec_down**-s
sumf_up = fsum(pvec_up) # try different ways of summing
sum_up = np.sum(pvec_up)
sumf_down = fsum(pvec_down)
sum_down = np.sum(pvec_down)
return sumf_up,sum_up,sumf_down,sum_down
def diff_zeta2(x):
zz = zeta(x)
df_up = np.abs(sumf_up - zz)
d_up = np.abs(sum_up - zz)
df_down = np.abs(sumf_down - zz)
d_down = np.abs(sum_down - zz)
print(d_up) # this one seems the best!
print(d_down) # then this one
diff_zeta2(2) # satisfies the requested accuracy
# solution
# like the logistic map but with x^alpha, here alpha=3
def myf(x,mu):
alpha = 3.0
y = mu*x**alpha*(1.0-x**alpha)
if (np.abs(y) > 10): # a cutoff to keep things from getting too large
return y
# x0 is initial condition
# j is the number of iterations to discard
# n is the number of iterations to use
# mu is the parameter to pass to function
# returns an array filled with iterations of the function myf
def myit(j,n,x0,mu):
y= x0 #initial condition
for i in range(j):
y = myf(y,mu) # discard i iterates
output = np.zeros(0); # array starter
for i in range(n): # plot n subsequent iterates
#plt.plot(mu,y, 'ro', ms=1) too slow
output = np.append(output,[y])
y = myf(y,mu)
return output
mu0 = 3.367 # lowest value of mu
mumax=3.75 # highest value of mu
nmu=1000 # number of mus to calculate and plot
dmu = (mumax-mu0)/nmu # spacing between mu values
nit= 1000 # number of iterations to plot
nitskip =300 # number of iterations to skip before plotting
mu=mu0; # iterating with this as initial mu value
mutot=np.zeros(0) # trying to append to arrays in case this helps with scatter plot
# loop over all the different values of mu
for i in range(nmu):
z = myit(nitskip,nit,0.8,mu) # this is an array of iterated values
marr = z*0.0 + mu; # an array of mu values
mutot = np.append(mutot,marr); # append mu values to the mu array
ztot = np.append(ztot,z); #append iterates to the z array
mu = mu + dmu; # increase mu and do it again
# we now should have two arrays, a ztot array containing iterates
# and an array the same length mutot that has mu values for each iterate
# plot our results
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3),dpi=300)
#plt.scatter(mutot,ztot,c='b', s=0.1,marker='o', alpha=0.1) #plotting all iterates at once
#ax.ylim=([0.3,1.]) # ignored, backend problem somehow
ax.plot(mutot,ztot,'b,',ms=1,alpha=0.7) #plotting all iterates at once
axes = plt.gca() # finally I got the overide for the y limits!
#ax.set_ylim=([0.25,1.]) # didn't work!
ax.set_xlabel('$\mu$', fontsize=22);
ax.set_ylabel('1000 iterates after 300')
ax.text(3.38,0.58,r'$f(x) = \mu x^3 (1-x^3)$',fontsize=9)
ax.annotate('period \ndoubling', (3.4,0.7),fontsize=6)
ax.annotate('period 3', (3.63,0.68),xytext=(3.6,0.62),\