Lecture notebooks/notes |
Topics | Lecture Recordings |
lecture1.html | Class introduction, intro to python, plots with matplotlib, variables, arrays, lists, tuples, functions, local vs global, indexing | M Feb 1 |
lecture1b.html | Not numbers, infinity, largest and smallest floats, complex numbers, backends, importing a subroutine from a file, pdb (python debugger), while-break-continue |
W Feb 3 M Feb 8 |
lecture2.html | Precision of a float, adding a small number to a large one (round off error), the Precision package, cobweb plots | W Feb 10 |
Notes on bifurcations and the logistic map | Iterates of maps on the unit interval. Cobweb plots. Sensitivity to initial conditions. Lyapunov exponents. | |
Notes on the binary shift map and the Baker map. | Symbolic dynamics. Sensitivity to initial conditions. The shift map. Maps of the unit square onto the unit square. A strange attractor. | M Feb 15 |
lecture3.html | FLOPS. Profiling. Intro to Python classes. Examples of the numbers of floating point operations. |
W Feb 17
M Feb 22 |
Notes on integrating ordinary differential equations | Introduction to numerical integrators of ordinary differential equations. Newton's method. The midpoint/Runga-Kutta methods. Symplectic integrators, Construction of symplectic integrators using exponentials of evolution operators. |
W Feb 24
For Mar 1 see below W Mar 10 |
Notes on solving PDEs | Numerical Approximations to Partial Differential Equations, Finite differences, Numerical Stability CFL condition, Conservative methods. | M Mar 8 |
Notes on Reaction-Diffusion equations | Reaction-Diffusion equations. Pattern formation. The Brusselator model, its fixed point, stability and temporal behavior. |
M Mar 15 W Mar 17 |
Mar17_2021.html | Using numpy.meshgrid to do calculations on a 2d array. | |
Notes on Newton's map and matrix solve | The Newton map and solving non-linear systems of equations. Matrix solve. | |
Notes on the central limit theorem | The relation between the central limit theorem, random walks and diffusion. Heavy tailed distributions, Levy flights and anomalous diffusion. | M Mar 22 |
Mar22_2021_probab.html | Making histograms and generating random numbers in python. | |
On the Metropolis Markov chain method | Importance sampling, Markov chains and the Metropolis-Hasting method | W Mar 24 M Mar 29 |
A short introduction to Quantum Mechanics - The qubit | Quantum states, the qubit, Product spaces and 2 qubits, Superposition and Entanglement, Pauli, Hadamard and controlled gates, Quantum Measurements, Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, Bell's inequalities, Quantum Teleportation |
M Mar 1 M Mar 29 W Mar 31 W Apr 7 W Apr 14 M Apr 19 |
lecture_qutip.html | Using python's quantum toolbox QuTiP | M Apr 12 |
Introducing Quantum Computing | Boolean functions on a quantum computer, 3-bit Toffoli gates, Universality on a quantum computer, Universal gate sets, Quantum random walks. | W Apr 21 |
Introducing Quantum Algorithms | The N-bit Walsch-Hadamard operator, The Quantum Fourier Transform. Black-box quantum algorithms. Factoring and Period finding. |
M Apr 26 x Apr x |
Introducing Quantum Information | Quantum information, the density matrix, mixed and pure states, Shannon and von Neumann entropy, partial traces of the density matrix, Superoperators and quantum channels. |
x Apr x x Apr x |