A laboratory report should communicate, as clearly and concisely as possible, the rationale for the experiment, what was done, what the results were and what the results mean. On the basis of a report on an experiment a reader should, be able to repeat it and confirm or refute the results.
The following is a guideline! There can be good reasons to modify the template, but this can serve as a starting point.
Identify the experiment by name and give the date performed, your name and those of your lab partner(s).
Give an short (only a few sentences) description of the object of the experiment and a statement of your principal results.
Start with the motivation (or reason) for the experiment. Follow this with relevant theory. Give a brief presentation, in your own words, of the essential ideas behind the experiment. Explain the meaning of symbols used in equations. You do not give derivations unless they are original or are needed to explain your measurements.
Succinctly describe, in your own words, the apparatus used and the procedures you followed. It is best to do this without copying or referencing to the lab manual. Tell what you did in enough detail that someone else could duplicate the experiment. Often the clearest way to explain something is to make schematic drawings.
Give an example of each calculation. Include an estimate of the error in any measurement.
Clearly state the results you obtain. Data should be presented in an organized form, such as in tables, charts and graphs, and stated in correct SI units. When appropriate, experimental data should be compared to theoretical predictions and calculations. Figures should have labeled axes and captions. Include details of error analysis.
Summarize, in a paragraph or two, what you conclude from the results of your experiment and whether they are what you expected them to be. Compare the results with theoretical expectations and give quantitative estimates of errors.
Please critique the experiments and the lab manuals. Could the lab be done in a better way? Your suggestions will help us improve the labs.