Point Distribution for Grading PHY141 Labs reports

The maximum number of points for the lab report is 100. The following list shows how these 100 points are distributed:

  1. 10 points: Overall layout. Are all components there?  See here for a description of the layout of a good lab report.
  2. 25 points: Video analysis.
    • 10 points.  General description of procedure (e.g. calibration, etc.)
    • 10 points.  Description of method used to determine the velocities before and after the collision and their errors.  Corrections for friction.
    • 5 points.  Description of the method used to combine the results of the colliding partners.
  3. 20 points: Processing of class data.
    • 10 points.  General description of the procedure (e.g. calculation of change in linear momentum, calculation of loss of kinetic energy, error analysis, etc.)
    • 10 points.  Determination of conservation of linear momentum.  How well is linear momentum conserved?  Are there collisions that can be excluded on this basis?  If you have 64 collisions, how many times do you expect the change in the linear momentum to differ by more than 2 sigma from 0?  How many times do you expect the change in the linear momentum to differ by more than 3 sigma from 0?
  4. 30 points: Data analysis.
    • 10 points.  Description of the models being considered and the procedure followed to test these models.
    • 10 points.  Graphs that illustrate how well these models describe the data.  Graphs need to include error bars (which are different for the different collisions).
    • 10 points.  Testing the models.  Which model describes the data best?  How did you come to this conclusion (you need to make this quantitative).  If none of them do, are there different models to consider?
  5. 10 points: supporting materials. Quality of data tables. Did you include your data in table format? Use of proper number of significant figures in data tables. Are data tables numbered and referred to in the text? Did you include a table captions that explains what is included in the table? Quality of figures/graphs. Are the x and y axes labelled? Do the axes labels include units? Are there error bars shown when appropriate? Are the figures numbered and referred to in the text? Did you include a figure captions that explains what is shown in the figure?
  6. 5 points: Quality of the summary and the conclusions.

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