import rebound # will only work if rebound is installed in your python distro
import numpy as np # math stuff
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # generic plotting stuff
%matplotlib inline
In this problem, we will create a star cluster that described by a Plummer model, .
We will explore what happens if a massive particle collides with the cluster and sinks into its center.
A massive particle, like a black hole, would affect the density distribution of a star cluster or a galaxy bulge.
Even after it has settled, the black hole would experience perturbations from gravitational encounters which cause it to wander.
This behavior is called "Brownian motion".
Choose one of the following settings to explore:
a. Compare the radial density distribution of stars in the cluster before and after a heavy particle sinks into the center.
You could run a simulation without the heavy particle and then compare it with a simulation that contains the heavy particle. You could try changing the cluster core radius or the mass of the heavy particle.
b. Eventually the heavy particle remains near the center of the cluster. However, the heavy particle would not necessarily be stationary, it would experience Brownian motion due to gravitational encounters. How large are its excursions from the center of mass of the entire system?
You can measure the variance of a distribution of the heavy particle's distance to the cluster center of mass measured at different times. You could compare the heavy particle's Brownian motion in two different simulations.
The two simulations you compare could differ
in the number of cluster particles or in the heavy particle's mass, or in the heavy particle's initial velocity or position prior or in the size of the initial cluster's core radius.
Some notes: For part a. If the initial velocity of the heavy particle is too large, it will escape the cluster rather than spiraling in. It may take longer for the heavy particle to spiral in if it initially has angular momentum (the initial velocity has a tangential component). For part b. I found that the heavy particle's brownian motion seems to increase with time. I started with initial conditions for the massive particle near the center of the cluster. I saw different wandering in different simulations.
from scipy import interpolate # needed so we can use interp1d in the Plummer initial conditions generating routine
def Plummer(N, r0, totmass, G, seed=None):
"""Generate the initial conditions for an isotropic Plummer model (BT eqs. 4.83 with n=5, 4.92, 2.44b).
modified from the routine by J Bailin on this repository
Apparently rebound's python version lacks the plummer model initial condition generation code that is available in the c-version
N : (int) Number of particles
r0 : (float) Cluster scale radius
totmass: (float) Total cluster mass
G: (float) gravitational constant
seed : None, or (int),
Seed to initialize random number generator so as to enable repeatable initial conditions
x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,mass each as 1d N length float arrays
if (seed is None):
from datetime import datetime
seed = int( # if you want a randomly chosen set
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) # random number generator in python
# generate random coordinates and velocities. Uses the law of
# transformation of probabilities.
rad_xi = rng.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=N) # uniform distribution
radius = r0 / np.sqrt(rad_xi**(-2./3) - 1)
costheta = rng.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=N)
phi = rng.uniform(0.0, 2.0*np.pi, size=N)
sintheta = np.sqrt(1.0 - costheta**2)
x = radius * sintheta * np.cos(phi) # particle positions!
y = radius * sintheta * np.sin(phi)
z = radius * costheta
# we need to chose the velocity component numerically
# from Aarseth+ 1974, we want to draw q from q^2 (1-q^2)^(7/2)
# and then assign the magnitude of v to be
# v = q sqrt(2) (1 + r^2/b^2)^(-1/4)
qax = np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.01)
q_prob = qax**2 * (1. - qax**2)**(3.5)
q_cumprob = np.cumsum(q_prob) # cumulative probability
q_cumprob /= q_cumprob[-1] # normalized correctly to end up at 1
probtransform = interpolate.interp1d(q_cumprob, qax) # reverse interpolation # needs scipy.interpolate.interp1d
# now get the uniform random deviate and transform it
vel_xi = rng.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=N)
q = probtransform(vel_xi)
velocity = q * np.sqrt(2. * G * totmass / r0) * (1. + (radius/r0)**2)**(-0.25)
cosveltheta = rng.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=N)
velphi = rng.uniform(0.0, 2.0*np.pi, size=N)
sinveltheta = np.sqrt(1.0 - cosveltheta**2)
vx = velocity * sinveltheta * np.cos(velphi) # particle velocities!
vy = velocity * sinveltheta * np.sin(velphi)
vz = velocity * cosveltheta
mass = np.ones((N)) * (totmass/N) # particle masses
# return arrays
return x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,mass
# return a list of x,y positions and radii from cluster center as a function of time
def getxyr(sim):
xarr = np.zeros(sim.N)
yarr = np.zeros(sim.N)
rarr = np.zeros(sim.N)
for i in range(sim.N):
xarr[i] = sim.particles[i].x
yarr[i] = sim.particles[i].y
r2 = sim.particles[i].x*sim.particles[i].x + sim.particles[i].y*sim.particles[i].y \
+ sim.particles[i].z*sim.particles[i].z
rarr[i] = np.sqrt(r2)
return xarr,yarr,rarr
# set up a simulation with
# arguments:
# N: number of cluster particles,
# M_cluster: total mass of cluster
# R_cluster: radius of cluster
# --- G = 1 set
# returns:
# sim: the rebound simulation
# r0: characteristic length scale
# t0: relaxation time
# v0: a characteristic velocity scale
def create_sim(N,M_cluster,R_cluster):
sim = rebound.Simulation() # create rebound simulation !
sim.G = 1.0
#M_cluster = 1 # total mass of the cluster
#R_cluster = 1; # Radius of the cluster
#N = 200 # number of particles
E_cluster = 3./64.*np.pi*M_cluster*M_cluster/R_cluster; # Energy of the cluster
r0 = 16./(3.*np.pi)*R_cluster; # Characteristic length scale
t0 = sim.G*np.power(M_cluster,5./2.)*np.power(4.*E_cluster,-3./2.)*N/np.log(0.4*N); # Relaxation time
print("Characteristic size: \n", r0);
print("Characteristic time (relaxation): \n", t0);
print("particle mass: \n", M_cluster/N);
print("Characteristic velocity: \n",v0)
sim.integrator = 'LEAPFROG'; # to find list of possible integrators ?sim.integrator
sim.dt = 2e-5*t0; # timestep
sim.softening = 0.01*r0; # Softening parameter
boxsize = 20.0*R_cluster # viewing
# sim.boundary = "none" # by default no boundary
# Create a bunch of particles consistent with a Plummer model with N particles
x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,mass = Plummer(N, r0, M_cluster, sim.G,seed=None)
# add these particles to the simulation
for i in range(N):
sim.move_to_com() # move to center of mass
return sim,r0,t0,v0
# display the simulation xy positions and radial distribution
# if mm = 1 then show the extra massive particle in read, otherwise don't
def show_sim(sim,mm):
xarr,yarr,rarr = getxyr(sim)
fig,axarr = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(5,2))
if (mm==1):
axarr[0].plot(xarr[-1],yarr[-1],'ro') # plot massive particle!
boxsize = sim.boxsize.x
jj = axarr[1].hist(rarr,bins=30,range=[0,20])
M_cluster = 1; R_cluster = 1; N=300
sim_a,r0,t0,v0 = create_sim(N,M_cluster,R_cluster) # create a simulation with a cluster in it
# add a heavy mass
mbig = M_cluster/10. # it's big!
sim_a.add(m=mbig,x = 3*r0, y=0,z=0, vx=-v0,vy=0,vz=0) # chosing radial orbit
sim_a.move_to_com() # move to center of mass frame
Characteristic size: 1.6976527263135504 Characteristic time (relaxation): 138.6074263486668 particle mass: 0.0033333333333333335 Characteristic velocity: 0.7674950309598664
show_sim(sim_a,1) # integrate to t=1, show the simulation and the radial distribution
xarr_a_0,yarr_a_0,rarr_a_0 = getxyr(sim_a) #
# store some arrays
xarr_a_20,yarr_a_20,rarr_a_20 = getxyr(sim_a)
xarr_a_40,yarr_a_40,rarr_a_40 = getxyr(sim_a)
xarr_a_100,yarr_a_100,rarr_a_100 = getxyr(sim_a) # store information!
xarr_a_200,yarr_a_200,rarr_a_200 = getxyr(sim_a)
#M_cluster = 1; R_cluster = 1
sim_b,r0,t0,v0 = create_sim(N,M_cluster,R_cluster)
# create a simulation with a cluster in it and no extra mass
# don't add another large mass
#mbig = M_cluster/10. # it's big!
#sim_a.add(m=mbig,x = 3*r0, y=0,z=0, vx=-v0,vy=0,vz=0)
sim_b.move_to_com() # move to center of mass frame
Characteristic size: 1.6976527263135504 Characteristic time (relaxation): 138.6074263486668 particle mass: 0.0033333333333333335 Characteristic velocity: 0.7674950309598664
xarr_b_100,yarr_b_100,rarr_b_100 = getxyr(sim_b)
xarr_b_200,yarr_b_200,rarr_b_200 = getxyr(sim_b)
# compare the two simulations!
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(3,3))
ax.hist(rarr_b_100,bins=30,range=[0,20],alpha=0.2,color='red',label='no m') # no extra mass
ax.hist(rarr_a_100,bins=30,range=[0,20],alpha=0.2,color='blue', label='with m') # with extra mass
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x157023810>
# store distance (in x) of last particle from the center of mass as a function of time
# by integrating the simulation sim to times given in the array tlin
# return the list of x values for this particle
def int_bigmass(sim,tlin):
xbig_arr = tlin*0
for i in range(len(tlin)):
sim.move_to_com() # make sure in center of mass frame all the time!
plast = sim.particles[sim.N-1]
#r = np.sqrt(plast.x**2 + plast.y**2 + plast.z**2)
xbig_arr[i] = plast.x # only using x
return xbig_arr
M_cluster = 1; R_cluster = 1; N=300
simm_a,r0,t0,v0 = create_sim(N,M_cluster,R_cluster) # create a simulation with a cluster in it
# add another large mass
mbig = M_cluster/10. # it's big!
simm_a.add(m=mbig,x = 0.1*r0, y=0,z=0, vx=0,vy=0,vz=0) # start it close to origin
simm_a.move_to_com() # move to center of mass frame
Characteristic size: 1.6976527263135504 Characteristic time (relaxation): 138.6074263486668 particle mass: 0.0033333333333333335 Characteristic velocity: 0.7674950309598664
tlin = np.linspace(2,300,150)
xbig_a = int_bigmass(simm_a,tlin)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(4,3))
ax.plot(xbig_a) # show brownian motion!
# plot brownian motion!
Text(0.5, 0, 'time')