Inspired by this example:
When their are collisions between pairs of particles, they bounce but energy is lost.
The simulation domain is doubly periodic but exhibits shear and epicyclic motion.
Your goal is explore or answer one of these questions:
a. Particles migrate (drift in radius) because they are affected by the spiral structure. Do massive particles migrate more quickly or less quickly than lower mass particles? You can measure the rate that particles tend to move away from their initial x or radial coordinate position. Do particles drift in a particular direction or do they wander back and forth?
b. Can a massive particle open a gap? To better see a depression in the disk density you can compute the average density integrating over y, the azimuthal variable, as a function of x, the radial variable.
When adjusting the mass distribution or surface density, check the particle number. You don't want too many particles otherwise your simulation will take a long time. I found that it was easier to see a depression in the disk density (a weak gap) in a lower density disk. I plotted a histogram to see the average density as a function of $x$.
import rebound
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from rebound import hash as rebound_h
# we need the hash function to id particles if we use the tree gravity and collision detection in rebound
# the tree code rearranges particle arrays
# some subroutines
# Compute the coefficient of restitution for a pair of particles bouncing off each other
# as a function of the velocity difference v between the two objects
# and r the distance between them (at impact)
# units: v [m/s] and r [m]
# returns the coefficient of restitution eps
# which is probably defined as the ratio of post and pre relative velocity magnitudes
def cor_bridges(r, v):
v32 = 0.01 # m/s velocity giving eps = 0.32, to increase damping lower this number
eps = 0.32*pow(abs(v)/v32 + 1e-6,-0.234) # high velocity encounters have lower coefficents of restitution
if eps>1.: # keep at or below 1
if eps<0.01:
eps=0.01 # always bounce a little bit
return eps
# eps is 0.32 at v = 0.01 m/s, eps is lower than this at higher velocities
# You could modify this routine, or create an extra similar routine if you want to adjust the dissipation rate
# return a random variable that is drawn from a probability distribution
# that is a power-law with probability p propto v^slope
# and lies within [min_v,max_v]
def powerlaw(slope, min_v, max_v):
y = np.random.uniform()
pow_max = pow(max_v, slope+1.)
pow_min = pow(min_v, slope+1.)
return pow((pow_max-pow_min)*y + pow_min, 1./(slope+1.))
# make a pretty plot of simulation particle positions in x,y plotting circles with their radii
# This is the same as Hanno Rein's function in the Saturn example, but here x and y are not flipped
def plotParticles(sim):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
ax = plt.subplot(111,aspect='equal')
ax.set_xlabel("radial coordinate [m]")
ax.set_ylabel("azimuthal coordinate [m]")
boxsize = sim.boxsize.x
for i, p in enumerate(sim.particles): # loop over particles
circ = patches.Circle((p.x, p.y), p.r, facecolor='darkgray', edgecolor='black')
ax.add_patch(circ) # plot a circle
# notice that p.x and p.y were flipped in the plotting routine by Hanno
# plot some arrows
ax.arrow( boxsize*0.5*0.9,0,0,-boxsize/4,width=2) # to show direction of motion
ax.arrow(-boxsize*0.5*0.9,0,0, boxsize/4,width=2)
# create an initial distribution of particles
# the particles are added to the rebound simulation sim
# surface density [kg m^-2] and particle density [kg m^-3] are the total mass surface density and
# the particle mass density
# particles are added until the expected total mass in the box is reached
# the radius distribution of the particles is a powerlaw of slope = slope
# min and max radii for this distribution are min_v and max_v in m
# The mass distribution has powerlaw slope of slope/3?
# I modified this routine so each particle is asigned a unique hash number
# we need to do this if we want to id particles as the tree routine reaaranges the indices
# To adjust the mass/radius distributions you would vary the max or min radii or slope
def mkparticles(surface_density,particle_density,slope,min_v,max_v,sim):
boxsize = sim.boxsize.x
total_mass = 0.
while (total_mass < surface_density*(boxsize**2)):
radius = powerlaw(slope=slope, min_v=min_v, max_v=max_v) # [m]
mass = particle_density*4./3.*np.pi*(radius**3) # [kg m^-3]
x = np.random.uniform(low=-boxsize/2., high=boxsize/2.) # a random number in [-boxsize/2,boxside/2]
hash = i, m=mass, r=radius,
y=np.random.uniform(low=-boxsize/2., high=boxsize/2.),
vx = 0.,
vy = -3./2.*x*sim.ri_sei.OMEGA,
vz = 0.)
total_mass += mass
i+= 1
# you can see shear direction here from how vy depends upon x
# particles are begun at zero epicyclic amplitude
# the shear motion is down on the right (+x) and up on the left (-x)
# the (unique) hash number is set equal to the index of the loop
# the z value is a normal distribution with dispersion of 1 m
print('Number of particles= ',sim.N);
# compute residual (remainder) of x modulo m but in range [-m/2,m/2]
# this routine is useful for keep quantities within the periodic shearing box
def resid(x,m):
z = (x+ m/2)%m - m/2
return z
# set up a simulation, saves time if you are setting up more than one simulation
def setup_sim(boxsize):
# set up a simulation for Saturn's rings
sim = rebound.Simulation()
OMEGA = 0.00013143527 # for Saturn's rings at a radius (from center of Saturn) of about 130000 km
sim.ri_sei.OMEGA = OMEGA # [s^-1] the angular rotation rate and epicyclic frequency (nearly Keplerian)
sim.G = 6.67428e-11 # N m^2 / kg^2 (MKS) gravitational constant
sim.dt = 1e-3*2.*np.pi/OMEGA # timestep for integrator
sim.softening = 0.2 # [m] prevents spurious large velocity impulses
sim.N_ghost_x = 2 # needed for shearing sheet shear boundary condition
sim.N_ghost_y = 2
sim.integrator = "sei" # simplectic integrator for shearing sheet
sim.boundary = "shear" # boundary type
sim.gravity = "tree" # is a faster gravity routine but because we use it we need to use a hash function to id particles
sim.collision = "tree" # trees are good at finding collisions!
sim.collision_resolve = "hardsphere"
sim.coefficient_of_restitution = cor_bridges # how particles bounce off each other!
# here we are telling the simulation about the function defined above that gives the coefficient of restitution
sim.configure_box(boxsize) # tell the simulation about the box
return sim # return the simulation
# integrate the simulation sim to a series of times in the 1d array tlin [s] and store results
# the arrays xarr,yarr,marr are returned
# xarr,yarr are x,y positions as in [m] 2d arrays as a function of time and for each particle
# marr are particle masses in [kg] a 1 d array (mass for each particle)
def run_sim(sim,tlin):
Nt = len(tlin) # numbers of times to store integration
xarr = np.zeros((Nt,sim.N)) # x positions at different times for different particles
yarr = np.zeros((Nt,sim.N)) # y positions
marr = np.zeros(sim.N) # particle masses
for i in range(len(tlin)): # loop over times
sim.integrate(tlin[i]) # integrate to this time
for j in range(sim.N): # loop over particles
p = sim.particles[rebound_h(j)] # we need to use a hash to id particles
# because the tree code insists upon rearranging particle ids
xarr[i,j] = p.x # store x positions
yarr[i,j] = p.y # store y positions
#x_g_arr[i,j] = 4*p.x + (2.0/sim.ri_sei.OMEGA) * p.vy # store guiding radius in x
for j in range(sim.N): # store masses
p = sim.particles[rebound_h(j)]
marr[j] = p.m
return xarr,yarr,marr # return stored arrays
# return how far in x each particle drifts as a function of time
# xarr is the array that is returned by run_sim()
# returns a 2d array (time, particle)
def compute_dx(xarr,sim):
boxsize = sim.boxsize.x
Nt = xarr.shape[0]
N = xarr.shape[1]
delta_x = np.zeros((Nt,N))
for j in range(N): # loop over particles
delta_x[:,j] = resid(xarr[:,j]- xarr[0,j],boxsize)
return delta_x
# let's look at a simulation!
boxsize = 200. # [m]
sim_a = setup_sim(boxsize) # give me a simulation!
#parameters used in creating the distribution of particles
surface_density = 400. # [kg/m^2], change this if you are exploring option f.
particle_density = 400. # [kg/m^3]
slope = -3.0 # the slope of the particle's radius distribution
min_v = 1.0 # minimum particle radius in m
max_v = 3.0 # maximum radius in m
# create a distribution of particles in simulation
# add an extra more massive particle, relevant if you are exploring options c or d
radius = 7. # make a larger mass particle and put it in the center
mass = particle_density*4./3.*np.pi*(radius**3) # particle mass
sim_a.add(m=mass,r = radius,x=0,y=0,z=0,vx=0,vy=0,vz=0,hash = (sim_a.N)) # note hash!
plotParticles(sim_a) # show the initial conditions
Number of particles= 2185
tlin_a = np.linspace(0,4*np.pi/sim_a.ri_sei.OMEGA,100) # create an array of 100 times out to 4 pi/Omega
xarr_a,yarr_a,marr_a = run_sim(sim_a,tlin_a) # run the simulation and return x,y,m arrays
deltax_a = compute_dx(xarr_a,sim_a)
# plot how x (the radial coordinate) relative to initial value varies in time for a few particles
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax.set_xlabel('time (s)')
ax.set_ylabel('radial coordinate deviation [m]')
boxsize = sim_a.boxsize.x
i = sim_a.N-1 # the last particle we added to the simulation which was larger than the rest
ax.plot(tlin_a, deltax_a[:,i],'k-',lw=3) # show how far the last (massive) particle moves as a function of time
#plot a few other particles and show how far they went in the radial coordinate
for j in range(0,20):
ax.plot(tlin_a, deltax_a[:,j],'.',ms=1)
This shows that the x coordinates of each particle diverges from their initial value.