In our backup routine, several filesystems are sequentially written to a single tape in a single backup (eg., in a single night). The dump command in the backup script is "ufsdump". The appropriate command for restoring from tape is "ufsrestore". The tape needs to fully rewound before doing this. From the machine that runs the tape drive, run the following command (don't need to be root): UNIXprompt> mt -f /dev/rmt/0hn rewind Let's say that we want to restore some files from the wayback:/home dump (see the note at the bottom to determine where in a given dump a particular filesystem is located). Currently, this is the second filesystem dumped to the tape. So, if the rewound tape is in the tape drive, run the following command from bullwinkle (or whatever machine runs the tape drive): UNIXprompt> sudo ufsrestore ifs /dev/rmt/0hn 2 "2" because it's the second filesystem on the tape, "s" to go to the second filesystem, "f" to do this with the "file" /dev/rmt/0hn, and "i" for an interactive session. Root owns ufsrestore, so it has to be run as root or with sudo. A ufsrestore prompt will appear. "cd", "pwd" and "ls" work just like at the UNIX prompt. After the files to be restored are found, add them to the list of files to be restored: ufsrestore> add filename1 ufsrestore> add filename2 ufsrestore> add filename3 etc. If a file is added by mistake, it can be removed from the list: ufsrestore> delete filename2 After the list is complete, extract the files: ufsrestore> extract It may ask for a volume number -- try a 1. It'll ask if you want to change the permissions -- I wouldn't. The files will be restored in the directory from which ufsrestore was run in a directory structure identical to the structure in which the files were dumped: if restoring /home/carl/lostfile.txt into the directory /home/carl, that file will have the following path: /home/carl/irstuds/carl/lostfile.txt (the directories /home/carl/irstuds and /home/carl/irstuds/carl will be created, and the file lostfile.txt put into the latter). Then end the ufsrestore session: ufsrestore> quit Note -- how to locate the desired filesystem dump on a backup tape: Log files of the dumps are kept as gzipped files in /var/spool/backups/nightly . The files are named according to the date on which they occurred. For example, the dump for 10 February 2000 was logged to the file 000210.22045.gz (the 22045 is a semi-random number: it's actually the process ID of the dump -- not important). Copy this file into your home directory and uncompress it (I'm assuming that you are in your home directory when you run these commands): UNIXprompt> cp /var/spool/backups/nightly/000210.22045.gz . (that period at the end IS necessary) UNIXprompt> gunzip 000210.22045.gz This will create a text file called 000210.22045 which is the log of the dump which happened around 3 am on Thursday 10 February 2000. View the contents of this file to determine at what point in the dump sequence the desired filesystem was backed up to tape. The first _successfully dumped_ filesystem is "1", the second is "2", etc. Occasionally, a problem will occur during a dump, and something like "THE ENTIRE DUMP IS ABORTED" will appear in that section of the dump log. Skip these in your counting when trying to locate the filesystem you want.