program names, file names
variable names
prompts, commands, program code
First you'll have to get an account on holly. At the time of this writing (1 July 2000), holly is administered by the staff of the Barnes Computing Center on the first floor of Bausch & Lomb. The reason that you need a holly account is that the license for running IDL specifies holly as the computer on which IDL is to be run. If you try to run IDL on an unlicensed machine, it'll run a seven-minute demo mode, or something.
Make sure you use ssh to log in to holly, as ssh is the only protocol (of which I am aware) which will automatically and apropriately port the display and all that jazz. DO NOT USE TELNET, RSH, RLOGIN, OR ANY OTHER DAMN THING!!!!! Once the account is active, edit your .cshrc file to contain the following environment variable:setenv IDL_STARTUP ~/idlpro/ |
UNIXprompt> source .cshrc |
Next you should put a copy of my idl.tar in your home directory. When this tar file is expanded, it will create, in your home directory, a directory called idlpro. If you already have a directory by this name in your home directory, I suggest you rename it. Then, from your home directory, expand the tar file with the following command:
UNIXprompt> tar xf idl.tar |
You will now need to edit two files: ~/idlpro/ and ~/idlpro/ These two files contain the following line:
defsysv, '!home', '/home/username/', 1 |
IDL should now be ready to run:
UNIXprompt> idl |
Just type exit to exit IDL:
IDLprompt> exit |