program names, file names
variable names
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"Doing linearity" is one of the first things that needs to happen after an observing run. This process creates some data which allows us (via linez) to correct the data images for nonlinear response in the detector. Nonlinear response refers to the detector's tendency to saturate. Ideally, for a constant illumination, the detector response would be such that the reported signal would be directly proportional to integration time. This is not the case, because eventually the detector's dynamic range is exhausted, and further illumination of the detector does not result in higher signal levels.
When we are taking linearity data on an observing run, we generally arrange
for constant illumination of the detector (this is often done during bad
weather or during the daytime, with the dome closed and some of the
interior lights turned on), set the filter wheel to the K broadband filter
(linearity correction is independent of wavelength, and K is a convenient
filter to use), and then we take a bunch of images at increasing
integration times (itimes). A plot of signal v. itime
might look like the following:
A final note to make is that there may be more than one set of linearity data for each observing run. This will likely be the case if there were two or more observing modes during an observing run. For example, at times we have had a "slow mode" and a "fast mode", where those two modes are distinguished by operating the camera with different values for CTSTIME (clamp-to-sample time) and Vbias. So you will need to "do linearity" for each observing mode for which linearity data were taken.
The first order of business is to prepare a list of the FITS files of the linearity data. The images in this list MUST be ordered by increasing itime. Fortunately, this is how the data are typically taken (ie., in order of increasing itime), so you can probably just use fnamegen.
Next you need to edit the ~/idlpro/lin/newlindatrc configuration file. It should
look something like this:
center of box 1 (ie., 124 110) 80 175 center of box 2 (ie., 24 210) 205 173 center of box 3 (ie., 20 24) 201 83 center of box 4 (ie., 208 214) 46 86 center of box 5 (ie., 182 16) 162 230 half-width (in standard deviations) of display range (ie., `sig' in 5 FULL pathname of output file (0 for random name generation) lindat.txt FULL pathname of linearity file (0 if not linearizing images) 0 FULL pathname of saturation file (0 if omitting) 0 saturation fraction (ie., .95) 1.0 value to which saturated pixels should be set ('ignore' value from -30000. FULL pathname of cds file (0 if omitting) 0