Most similar to earth
- nearly the same mass and size, hence same density Table20-2
- underwent same formation process as Earth
- accreting planetesimals ~ 10 million y
- heat from infalling bodies and radioactive decay 10-100 My
- “heavy bombardment” phase
- started totally molten
- heavy elements (Fe, Ni, etc.) sink to center
- reason gold so rare -- it’s very dense and sunk to center
- expect Fe core, basalt mantle, rock crust
- Atmosphere very different
- Earth (P=1 atm.) Venus (P=90 atm.)
- N2 76% 4%
- O2 23% zip
- CO2 0.1% 96%
- H2O oceans 3 km (300 atm.) very little
- clouds H2O droplets H2SO4 droplets