AST 242: Astrophysics II
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
(Spring 2014)
Instructor: Alice Quillen, Bausch and Lomb Hall 424, Phone:275-9625, Email:aquillen at
Lectures: Wednesday and Fridays 11:00am-12:20, in Bausch and Lomb 315.
TA (grader):
Office hours: None officially, however I encourage students to drop
by my office at any time.
To make sure I am available, send me a note, suggesting some good times,
to arrange a meeting time in advance.
We will explore topics in astrophysics while introducing
fundamentals of fluid mechanics.
The class is intended for undergraduate juniors and seniors with a general
physics background and some familiarity with astronomy.
Astrophysical fluid dynamics
Ideal Fluid Mechanics, Conservation Laws, Eulerian and Lagrangian views,
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Microphysical basis for fluid continuum equations
Self-similar flows and spherical blast waves, Bondi accretion
Astrophysical shocks, Method of characteristics
Finite Difference numerical methods, Numerical stability, the Riemann problem
Viscous flow, the Structure of an Accretion disk, Vorticity
Jeans, Convective, Raleigh-Taylor, Kelvin-Helmholtz, and Field
Instabilities, Internal Gravity Waves, global oscillations of stars and planets
Introduction to Magnetohydrodynamics and Hydromagnetic waves
- Some topics of recent interest such as exoplanet winds, baryonic acoustic oscillations, cooling flows, ...
Course requirements:
- About 6 problem sets
- 1 numerical project
- 1 in-class midterm
Grading: problem sets 40%, projects 30%, exams 30%.
Collaboration policy: Collaboration is encouraged. However,
problem set solutions and the project must be written alone by each individual
in their own words.
It is not acceptable to copy problem solutions or parts of a project.
Textbooks and Reading:
Cathy Clarke and Bob Carswell, Principles of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics,
QB461 .C59 2007; on reserve at POA library
James E. Pringle and Andrew King, Astrophysical Flows, QB466.J46 P75 2007; on reserve at POA
Frank H. Shu, Physics of Astrophysics, Volume II, Gas Dynamics, QB461 .S448 1991; on reserve at POA
Eleuterio F. Toro,
Riemann solvers and numerical methods for fluid dynamics: a practical introduction, QA911 .T66 1999; on reserve at POA
Peter Bodenheimer et al. Numerical Methods in Astrophysics: an introduction,
QB462.3 .N86 2007; on reserve at POA
Thorne and Blandford's on-line text Applications of Classical Physics,