# This document is to describe how CD's are written via the tools # available to us here at the NIR. # This document is intended to give a quick outline on the procedure for # creating and writing an ISO9660 image to a CD, and is in no way a # replacement for reading the respective manpages on the subject The following is a list of the tools we use: mkisofs - Tool for creating an ISO9660 CD Image mkhybrid - Tool for creating hybrid CD Images cdrecord - Tool for writing CD Image to CD isodump - Crude tool for verifying directory integrity in CD Images isoinfo - Tool for performing directory like listings of iso images isovfy - Tool for verifying integrity of iso images Each tool as a unique manpage except for the iso* tools. They are all on the isoinfo(8) manpage. The CD-writer itself is a Yamaha CRW4260tx and lives on rocky. Steps to writing CD: 1. Make the ISO9660 image using mkisofs or mkhybrid. These are virtually the same tool as far as usage and design except mkhybrid has the extra functionality of making hybrid CD's with Joliet, HFS, and Rocky Ridge filesystem types. Go to the base directory that you want as the root directory for the CD. If you want volume label information for the CD put it in a file called .mkisofsrc in that directory. The format of the file is TAG=value. The available TAGs are as follows: APPI - application identifier (128 chars.) COPY - Copyright info (37 chars.) ABST - abstract info (37 chars.) BIBL - bibliographic information (37 chars.) PREP - preparer of CDROM (128 chars.) PUBL - publisher of CDROM (128 chars.) SYSI - System identifier (32 chars.) VOLI - Volume Identifier (32 chars.) VOLS - Volume Set Name (278 chars.) The VOLI is one that should be set either in the .mkisofsrc file or with the -V option to set the colume ID to something other than the default convention. The Solaris volume manager has difficulties with the default naming convention. mkisofs and mkhybrid only differ on the command line and not by much. For mkisofs use following commandline: mkisofs -o ./ is the name of the ISO image you want to create, ./ is assuming that the path that you want to be root of the CD is ./ These are some of what can be used as : -a - include files that contain ~ or # characters -m glob - exclude glob from being written to CD -r - Rocky Ridge extensions For mkhybrid, just change mkisofs to mkhybrid, and the following are useful extra options: -J - Generate Joliet directory records as well as ISO9660 -hfs - Create ISO9660/HFS hybrid CD (HFS is Mac) -apple - Generate Apple's extensions on top of ISO9660 (Mac) 2. Next you need to write the CD using cdrecord. speed=# - Speed at which to write. Options for us are 0,2,4. dev=target - the architecture independent device name -v - verbose The following has worked so far: command: cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,1,0