Astronomy 104 -- The Solar System

Fall 1999

Class Hours: 2:00 - 3:15 Tuesday and Thursday, Dewey 1-101

Instructor:     William Forrest, B&L 419, 5-4343,
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00-10:00 AM (or by appointment)

Teaching Asst.: Adam Kubik, B&L 478, 5-0339,  kubik@
Office Hours:    Monday and Wednesday 11:00-12:00 AM (or by appointment)

Teaching Intern: Damen Provost, B&L 452, 5-9955,
Office Hours:      Monday 1-3 PM


Text: Seeds, Foundations of Astronomy 1999 edition. This is nearly identical to the 4th edition. We will cover chapters 1-8 and 20-27.

Reserve Texts: D. Morrison and T. Owen, The Planetary System, a good general discussion of Solar System topics. J.K. Beatty and A. Chaikin: The New Solar System. A more technical treatment, with a large number of color pictures and interesting graphs. These texts will be held on reserve in the Physics-Optics-Astronomy (POA) library on the third floor of B&L.

Other Resources: The World Wide Web is a wonderful resource for information on astronomical subjects. The Ast 104 home page is Please e-mail anything you find interesting on the www so I can include it. Or, you can start from the textbook publisher?s home page (, or try one of the search engines (i.e. Infoseek, Excite, Yahoo, etc.) to look for something you?re interested in.

Astronomy and Sky and Telescope magazines are both excellent sources for current information about the Solar System and astronomy in general. Find them in the POA library and the WWW.

Homework: Approximately seven problem sets given at one or two week intervals. Assignments handed out in class. All assignments are to be turned in during class on the due date. Solutions will be posted after class outside of B&L 452 and be put on reserve in the POA library. Late homework will not be accepted and no credit will be given for late homework. Your total homework score will count for 15% of the final grade.

Exams: There will be in-class tests on 14 Oct. and 23 Nov. The second exam will emphasize material introduced since the first test. Each test will count for 25% of your final grade. If you must miss an exam, a makeup exam may be scheduled by appointment. All makeup exams will be oral examinations, one hour and fifteen minutes in length

Final Exam: A comprehensive final exam will be given Sunday 19 Dec. at 4:00 PM. The exam will cover topics from the entire course but will emphasize subjects from the last part of the course. The final will count for 35% of your grade.