DSPSYS Quick Reference Doc

Starting & Leaving Dspsys Directories Before Taking Data
Getting Help Taking Data Fast Photometery Mode
Partial Images Detector Parameters Run Mode
Filters A/D Boards Non-Detector Parameters
Comments User Fields VF

Starting & Leaving DSPSYS

dspsys Start the FORTH observing system.
dspforth Start the current version of FORTH only.
bye Exit the FORTH observing system.


File Type Location
Data Files /applic/dsp/runtime/dsp56k/dataacq
Clock Files /applic/dsp/runtime/dsp56k/clocks
Filter Files /applic/dsp/runtime/fwheels
Det Files /applic/dsp/runtime/det
Dspsys Src /applic/dsp/runtime/fthsys2/src
CFORTH Src /applic/dsp/csource/cforth1.6

Before Taking Data

Before taking data, it is important to make sure a few things are set up correctly. The following list should be checked out before doing anything important. After you do this, scan through the rest of the ``showall'' to make sure that the remaining parameters make sense.

Topic Purpose
Date Check the data & time which the SUN and PC report. If they are not correct, become the superuser and enter "date yymmddHHMM" for the SUN and "date mmddHHMM" for the PC. Type "man date" for more information.
ad[0-3]name Make sure that the A/D boards are named correctly. This name of each A/D board is the field between AD[0-3] and the temperature in the showall display.
Clock pgm Make sure you are using the correct clock program for the current detector/mux.
Det file Make sure the specified detector file corresponds to the detector in the dewar. Contains start up information loaded in extra.fth.
Night Make sure that you set the night directory before taking data. Use the format "ddMMMYY" where MMM would be jul for July, aug for August. dd is the day of the month and YY is the year.
Object You can't take data unless an object is specified. If you redefine the night directory, the object's name must also be redefined.
Observer Enter the initials of who will be observing.
Telescope Where is the data being taken? (lab, wiro, mlof, etc...)

Getting Help

Command Stack Notation Description
help ( "word" -- ) Followed by a word name, gives information about the word.
dspsift ( "word" -- ) Similar to sifting but only searches the <dsp> vocabulary.
sifting ( "string" ) Print all words which have "string" contained in their name.
whatsnew ( -- ) Display the whatsnew.doc file which has up-to-date information about what is new to the DSPSYS software.
words ( -- ) Print out all words in the <dsp> vocabulary.

Taking Data

Command Stack Notation Description
brun ( -- ) Select the bkg buffer, get a complete image and save to disk as "object.n", n=001-999. Also saves the image to a temporary file called "bkg".
bscan ( -- ) Select the bkg buffer, get a complete image and save to disk as a temporary file called "bkg".
srun ( -- ) Select the src buffer, get a complete image and save to disk as "object.n", n=001-999. Also saves the image to a temporary file called "src".
sscan ( -- ) Select the src buffer, get a complete image and save to disk as a temporary file called "src".

Taking Data in Fast Photometry Mode

Command Stack Notation Description
fastphot ( -- ) Enter or leave fast photometry mode. (Toggle the mode on or off.)
fbrun ( -- ) Select the bkg buffer, get nimage number of images and save the data to a file called "object.n", n=001-999.
fsrun ( -- ) Select the src buffer, get nimage number of images and save the data to a file called "object.n", n=001-999.
nimage ( n -- ) Set the number of images you want saved in one FITS file while in fast photometry mode.

Taking Data with Partial Images

Prefix the standard data acquisition words (scan, run, sscan, bscan, srun and brun) with a ``p'' to execute the partial image versions.

Command Stack Notation Description
pnrow ( n -- ) Set the number of rows per partial image. Must be a factor of nrow.
p1row ( n -- ) Define the first row for partial image data. p1row + pnrow <= nrow.
pfocus ( -- ) Wait for a <cr> between successive parial images. <ctrl>-c gets you out.
pnothing ( -- ) No wait between successive partial images.

Setting Detector Parameters

Command Stack Notation Description
loaddet ( "name" -- ) Load a specific detector file.
clockpgm ( "name" -- ) Load a specific clock program.
datapgm ( "name" -- ) Load the data acquisition file.
ncol ( n -- ) Set the horizontal size of the detector from the left-most column. Also referred to as NAXIS1 in the FITS header.
nout ( n -- ) Set the number of detector outputs to use.
nrow ( n -- ) Set the vertical size of the detector from the upper-most row. Also referred to as NAXIS2 in the FITS header.
vbias ( n -- ) Set the bias voltage, n is in units of mV.
vgate ( n -- ) Set the gate voltage, n is in units of mV.
voff ( n -- ) Set the clock voltage required to turn the detector off, n is in units of -mV.
von ( n -- ) Set the clock voltage required to turn the detector on, n is in units of -mV.

Setting the Run Mode

Command Stack Notation Description
burst ( -- ) Clock as fast as possible, throwing away frames as fast as possible. This is used to reset the detector.
crun ( -- ) Clock the array continuously.


The available filters depend upon which filterwheel you are using. The filterwheel is loaded in the dspsys.fth file. Current available filterwheels are: filterI.fth, filterII.fth, filterIII.fth and filterIV.fth.

Command Stack Notation Description
nm ( n -- ) Move the filterwheel to wavelength n, units nm, on the CVF filter.
fw! ( n -- ) Tell DSPSYS that the actual filterwheel position is n. 0 <= n <= 10000
fw ( n -- ) Move the filterwheel to the absolute wavelength specified. n is in units of nm.

A/D Boards

Command Stack Notation Description
ad0name ( "name" -- ) Define what A/D 0 represents. The standard name is "heater".
ad1name ( "name" -- ) Define what A/D 1 represents. The standard name is "fanout".
ad2name ( "name" -- ) Define what A/D 2 and 3 represent. Typical settings are "vdduc" and "gx2_ch1".

Non-Detector Parameters

Command Stack Notation Description
adctime ( n -- ) Set the A/D convert time. n is in units of 0.1 usec.
ctstime ( n -- ) Set the clamp-to-sample time. n is in units of 0.1 usec.
itime ( n -- ) Set the amount of time to integrate for each image. n is in units of milliseconds (1000 itime == 1 second of integration).
ncd ( n -- ) Set the number of co-add frames. Must be a power of 2.
nsamp ( n -- ) Set the number of A/D conversions to perform on each voltage measurement. Must be a power of 2.
nta ( n -- ) Set the number of throw-away frames to read out before taking data.
s-g ( -- ) Set the sampling mode to signal - ground.
r-g Set the sampling mode to reset - ground.
s-r Set the sampling mode to signal - reset.
p-g Set the sampling mode to pedestal - ground.
s-p Set the sampling mode to signal - pedestal, "delta reset" mode.
sur Set the sampling mode to sample up the ramp.
srp Set the sampling mode to signal - reset - pedestal.
fow Set the sampling mode to fowler.
cms Set the sampling mode to correlate multi-sampling.


If you need to enter a comment which does not fall into the global or local category, create your own! comment0 defaults to NASMFP.

Command Stack Notation Description
gc ( "line" -- ) Define a global comment. Use to describe a group of related object files. Once set, it is repeated in each object file until reset to blank or a new object is defined.
lc Define a local comment. Use to describe a single object file. The description does not apply to any other object files.
comment# ( "name" -- ) Create a user defined comment. # is 0, 1 or 2. The "name" you use will become the word to enter comments with:
    ok comment0 test
    ok test This is a comment. 

User Fields

Command Stack Notation Description
night ( "night" -- ) Specify the night directory where data should be stored using the ddmmmyy format. All months should be 3 characters long.
object ( "name" -- ) Specify the name of the object you are going to observe. If the object already exists, the object directory will be re-used and the "Next data file" field will be incremented to the next free object number.
observer ( "initials" -- ) The initials of those present for the observing.
telescope ( "location" -- ) Specify the name of the facility being used. "lab" is generally entered when a telescope is not involved.

VF Interface

These commands allow you to automate the display of images in View Fits. The default method is to rotate display of source images in buffers 0 through 3 (first image in b0, second in b1, ..., fifth image in b0, and so forth).

Command Stack Notation Description
xhost ( "host" -- ) Tell FORTH which host is running VF so that data can be sent to it.
display ( -- ) Toggle in and out of VF auto-display mode.
bgsub ( -- ) Toggle in and out of auto-background subtract mode.
vfcmd ( "line" -- ) Execute a valid VF command, "line", in the VF program. Valid commands are listed in Appendix A of the VF manual. Only one command at a time can be executed. Example:
   vfcmd active e
bmax ( n -- ) Tell FORTH to rotate between image buffer zero and image buffer n, where n represents a buffer window in VF (0-4). Default is 3, rotate through b0, b1, b2 and b3 image frames.


"xshowall" is a graphical display of the command showall. It is run on the Sun and should be in your path. Type "xshowall &" to start up the interface. The A/D temps will be updated after any xshowall commands. All commands which modify an xshowall parameter also update the GUI. All of the run and scan words update the GUI.

Command Stack Notation Description
xhost ( "host" -- ) Tell FORTH which host is running the xshowall GUI so that data can be sent to it. If you have already set xhost you do not need to do it again.
xshowall ( -- ) Toggle in and out of xshowall mode. In xshowall mode, the normal showall command will not be executed when a run or scan commences. Default is off.
updategui ( -- ) Update all parameters on the xshowall GUI.

NASM & URIR Fabry-Perot

Command Stack Notation Description
fpcal ( Vstart Vend Vstep -- ) Ramp VGATE between Vstart and Vend in increments of Vstep. VGATE may be renamed to VRAMP. In either case it refers to D/A 1.
fp ( itime -- ) Take a scan and write the 5 box intensities either to the screen (nasm-fp mode) or a file (urir-fp mode).
fpnew ( -- ) Same as fp but uses the current value of itime.
fpsrun ( -- ) Same as fpnew except it saves the data as a src run.
fpbrun ( -- ) Same as fpsrun but saves as a bkg run.
nasm-fp ( -- ) fp and fpnew will display the 5 box intensities for the NASM computer to parse.
urir-fp ( -- ) fp and fpcal will all write a file called z-i.dat which contains the z parameter and the 5 box intensities.